Step 4

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Step Four
Step four isn't really all that exciting. You've begun the process of flirting, but your crush may not exactly have picked up on it. This, of course, depends on how oblivious your crush is, and how subtle you are. This step focuses on maintaining the flirty spirit. Try to bump it up a few notches. Good luck!

Maintaining the flirty spirit?! Scorpius thought to himself. He was hoping the next step would be a step forward, not just remaining in the same place.

Flirting with Albus was tough. Was he picking up on it? Is he uncomfortable? Does he like it? Scorpius was clueless to what went on inside of Albus' head. It was exhausting to keep up the flirty demeanor when he was constantly racked with questions on how Albus felt.

   The only option for Scorpius was to follow the book, or improvise. That thought was almost laughable, considering that Scorpius was the Most Awkward of all Awkward and definitely had no clue how to even begin the process of getting Albus to like him.

   Scorpius got up out of bed, got ready for the school day, and left for breakfast. This day would be the start of Step Four.

  Albus was late to potions. When he burst through the door, his dark hair was a wreck, which Scorpius thought made him look adorable, and his cheeks were bright red. He mumbled an excuse about how he slept in and quickly found his spot at the back of the room.

  "Now that everyone's here, we can begin our class assignment." Professor Slughorn announced. "We'll be working with partners for today's potion. Before you go looking around, giving your best friend that knowing look, I will be assigning the partners." Slughorn let out a chuckle as the class collectively groaned.

  Of course Slughorn would assign the partners. Scorpius knew he wouldn't be paired with any of his friends, considering that his only friends in this class were Rose and Albus. The chances of getting either of them against anyone else in the whole classroom seemed highly unlikely. However, this train of thought diminished as Slughorn announced that Scorpius' partner would indeed be Albus Potter.

  "Hey, friend." Albus grinned as he sat down on the stool next to Scorpius. "I'm glad we got paired up."

  Scorpius smiled and agreed. He listened to Slughorn announce what kind of potion they were making, the ingredients, and what page in the textbook they would have to look off of for directions. Then, he gathered the ingredients on the table while Albus simply watched him do his thing.

  "How can I be of service, Scorp? Just tell me what to do." Albus smiled brightly at him, and stood tall and proud, waiting for orders.

  Scorpius laughed. "How about I chop and you mix?" He asked, and Albus agreed.

   He chopped a few ingredients, and handed them to Albus to begin creating the potion Felix Felicis. Then, he cut up some more. When he turned his head to see how far the potion had come so he knew when to add the next ingredients he noticed that Albus was stirring the potion all wrong.

  Now's your chance. Scorpius thought. Bump it up a notch. Keep up the flirting.

   "Oh, Albus, hold on. You're mixing it wrong." Scorpius said, catching Albus' attention. "Here, let me help you."

  Scorpius positioned himself behind Albus, and reached his left hand out to place it on top of Albus's left. He gripped it softly, and he could feel Albus tense slightly. He knew that Albus was utterly aware of his presence. Scorpius himself was insanely focused on the fact that there bodies were touching in several places, and his is basically the closet they've ever been. Albus' skin was hot against his own, and he could feel it wherever they touched.

  Scorpius moved Albus' hand in a stirring motion, following the directions and stirring the exact amount of times needed. "There you go." Scorpius said, pulling away. "You got it now, I think."

  "Huh?" Albus asked, throat clearly restrained. He cleared his throat and blushed a slight red. "I mean, yes. Yep, got it now thanks." He looked down at the potion, quite obviously trying to hide the fiercer blush creeping up his neck and face.

  He's getting flustered. Oh my god. Too much. This is too much. My poor heart cannot take this. Scorpius couldn't help but think to himself, smiling a wide smile. He continued chopping his ingredients, pretending not to be aware of Albus casting flustered glances at him every few minutes.

It's been over a month. I'm so sorry. Feel free to call me a rat. I deserve it.

But I'm back with ya bois being cliche and very gay.

Hope you all had lovely holidays!!!!

Have you seen Fantastic Beasts? If so, who's your favorite character, and do you have any ships from it yet?

My answer is yes, I've seen it. I'm in love with Credence Barebone. And I ship Credence and Newt with absolutely no shame.

Dakota The Slytherin💌

How to Get a Boy to Like You » Scorbus Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora