Step 1

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Step One - Get Acquainted

  If you have a crush on a boy and you want him to like you back, the first step is making sure you're acquainted with him. If he has no clue who you are, introduce yourself. This is the first step into becoming something more. After that, try to converse with him more. Move closer to earning the title of friends.
(If you're reading this and you and crush are already acquainted, skip and continue to next step.)

  Scorpius sighed and closed the book. Introduce himself? Converse more? He'd never spoken to Albus. Not even once. How would he even go about introducing himself? Just walk up to him? When? And when they had a conversation, what would it be about?
So many questions were bouncing around inside Scorpius's brain.

  Instead of sitting on his bed, stressing about how to introduce himself, Scorpius decided to take a walk around the school. Walks always helped him calm down when he was worked up about something. Usually the outdoors helped, but it was raining too heavily to even step foot outside of the castle.

  Scorpius walked down many corridors of Hogwarts. When he reached the library, he made a decision to go in and browse the books. He had been walking for awhile, and his feet were starting to ache.

  Walking down one of the aisles, Scorpius scanned the books to see if anything popped out at him. Too focused on the books, he didn't notice the boy walking towards him(also looking at the books). Scorpius bumped right into the other boy, causing both of them to look away from the books and at each other.

  Scorpius realized he had just bumped into Albus freaking Potter. Blushing a deep red, he tried to apologize without embarrassing himself too much. "S-sorry. I wasn't even looking! I was focused on the books and I-"

  Albus laughed. "It's fine. Don't worry, I wasn't looking either. It's all good."

  Scorpius just nodded and fixed his glance on his feet. Introduce yourself. Get acquainted. The first step came floating into Scorpius's mind, and he knew that if he didn't do it now, he never would. So, willing himself to be brave, he lifted his head, stuck out his hand, and said: "Hi Scorpius. I mean, I'm Scorpius. You're Albus."

  Great. Scorpius thought to himself. You just had to say something. Now you've done it. Why must you always embarrass yourself?

  Albus laughed again. Despite his embarrassment, Scorpius couldn't help but laugh a long a bit.

  Still laughing, Albus shook Scorpius's outstretched hand. They shook hands for a brief moment before detaching. "As you already know, I'm Albus. It's nice to meet you. I've seen you around. You always seem alone, except for when Rose girl is around. She your girlfriend? Turns out she doesn't share that sort of thing with me, despite me being her cousin and all."

  Scorpius blushed a dark red and shyly shook his head. "No, no. Don't have one, actually."

  "Me neither. Who needs girls anyway, right?" Albus laughed.

  Scorpius laughed awkwardly considering the fact that he definitely did not need a girlfriend. But Albus was laughing, so Scorpius wanted to laugh too.

  "I'll see you around, Scorpius. We should talk more. Don't be afraid to say something if you see me, okay?" Albus said, turning to leave.

  "Okay, I won't." Scorpius replied quietly.

  When Albus was gone, Scorpius buried his face in his hands to hide his gigantic smile and of course, his red cheeks.

  "What ya doin'?" Albus asks, coming up next to Scorpius.

  Scorpius was currently sitting by the lake, watching the small ripples in the water. He liked to do this sometimes. It took his mind away from everything and everyone. He always came here when he wanted to get away from everyone and everything. It was his escape.

  Albus sat next to Scorpius on the ground. He flashed him a smile, and Scorpius couldn't help but smile back. "Just sitting. Why did you come out here?"

  "Taking a walk. I saw you, and figured I'd talk to you. You know, now that we're beginning a beautiful friendship. I think it'll be beautiful at least." Albus says, smiling and picking some grass.

  Friendship. That's where I'm supposed to be. I must be doing it right. Scorpius thought to himself, remembering step one.

  Scorpius looked over at Albus. Albus, his hair glowing in the sunlight. His face glowing, eyes shining, goofy grin across his face. He didn't mind sharing his escape with Albus.

Scorpius, my gay son.
I love him.
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