Step 5

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Step Five
You're halfway there! This step is vital. It's important to keep your cool and not show that you may not have any clue what you're doing. Your task is to make your crush jealous. Flirt with other people, talk about other people with him or in front of him, do anything (not too extreme but hey, it's your life) you can that would make him jealous. Good luck!

  Make him jealous? Honestly, who wrote this book? Scorpius thought to himself as he finished reading the next step. It was spring now, the warm month of April. This means that Scorpius had been talking to Albus for almost a full school year. He knew Albus pretty well, all his quirks and interests and such. And he knew that Albus knew almost everything about him. It should be easy to make him jealous, since he knows what to do to be able to be grab Albus' attention. Yet somehow he felt nervous at the thought. What if Albus caught on to him? What if he just created problems?

  Looking up at the clock, Scorpius saw it was close to four. Rose had asked Scorpius to meet him in the library so they could do some homework together. It had been a little over a week since they had last hung out, and both of them were really just dying for some time together. Scorpius had been spending most of his time with Albus, and Rose was too busy with quidditch and school work.

  "So..." Rose started when Scorpius sat down next to her at a table. "How are things with Albus?"

  Scorpius blushed. "Things are good. We're both very glad to be friends."

  Rose noticed the slight look of discomfort on Scorpius' face. "Something's up."

  Scorpius looked up from his herbology text book. "Excuse me?"

  "You have something in your mind. What is it?" Rose asked with squinted eyes. He was her best friends, after all. She knew him well enough to know that look on his face.

  Scorpius sighed. "That book you gave me...About getting a boy to like you..." Rose nodded. "It says I should make Albus jealous. I have no clue how to do that. This could be what makes him not like me anymore."

  Rose just rolled her eyes and gently laid her hand on top of Scorpius'. "What are best friends for? I'll help you make him jealous."

  "Actually, Albus already knows that you and I are just-"

  "Not with me, you idiot. I need to find you boy since it's boys that you like." Rose said matter-of-factly.

  "Fine. But Albus doesn't know that. It's never come up that I'm gay." Scorpius begins to panic just slightly. Rose just shrugs.

  "Well, he's about to find out soon enough."


  "Scorpius, meet Alexander. This is the boy who will help you win over Albus." Rose says. Scorpius shakes his hand and greets him, deciding right away that Alexander was definitely attractive.

  "Nice to meet you, Scorpius. Don't worry, I know there isn't anything to be generated between us. It's purely acting. I'll admit, I'm very good at acting." Alexander says, smirking and running a bony hand through his dark curls.

  "Nice to meet you, too." Scorpius says lamely. He was nervous for many reasons. One, he wasn't sure if he really wanted to make Albus jealous or not. Two, Alexander was very much attractive and pretty boys always made Scorpius nervous.

  Alexander leaned forward, leaning his arms on the table in front of him. He looked bored. "When do we begin?"

  Scorpius thought for a moment. "Tomorrow." He decided. "Albus and I are planning to do some homework tomorrow in the library. Be there by 3:30, okay?"

  Alexander looked Scorpius up and down, which made him feel just slightly uncomfortable. "Sounds good, hun. See you then."

  Scorpius nods and swallows thickly. He walks from the Gryffindor table back to the Slytherin table, not realizing that Albus had seen Scorpius talk to that boy Alexander, and he did not like it at all.


Look at where we are. Look at where we started. I know I don't deserve you, Eliza. Just hear me out. That would be enough.

Anyways so I hope you liked this chapter. It's short but I have some things planned. Also I thought you guys deserved and update and I was literally half asleep when I wrote this. It's been a stressful week. 

However, I want you guys to get involved with this story. So, if you have an idea or a request for a step in the book then direct message me and I'll read over it and see if I like it. If I use it, you will be credited. Please do this, as I am excited to see what you guys come up with. :)
I need steps 6,7,8,9 & 10 so go ahead and dm me your ideas!!


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