Step 5 (cont.)

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I certainly love jealousy in fanfictons so let's just continue with this step right here...

  Today is the day. Alexander would be meeting Scorpius in the library to make Albus jealous. Hopefully, at least. Scorpius seriously doubted Albus would be jealous. Why would he be?

  Scorpius shows up to the library a few minutes before 3:30 so he could make sure Alexander was there and the plan was still on. He found Alexander sitting at one of the tables, a hand resting atop his unruly curls. "Hey." Scorpius greeted before sitting in the seat beside Alexander.

  Alexander looked up and flashed him a smile. "You ready? Don't be nervous. I got this."

  Not that that really helped. Scorpius nodded and swallowed thickly. He opened his bag and began taking out his school work.

  Albus arrived a few minutes later. He eyed Alexander disapprovingly. He plopped down in the seat across from Scorpius and Alexander.  "Who's this?" He asked, clearly not happy.

  Scorpius plastered a smile onto his face, pretending to look excited about introducing Albus to his new friend. "This is my friend, Alexander. Rose introduced me to him. He's very nice. Plays quidditch for Gryffindor."

  Alexander reached out to shake Albus's hand. Instead of taking it, Albus just gave him a short smile before taking his own things out of his bag. Alexander brought his hand back to his side, looking at Scorpius with raised eyebrows. Scorpius just shrugged.

  They all began working quietly. For a little, there wasn't a single word uttered between the three. After quite some time, Albus said he had to go find a book, but that he would be right back. When Albus disappeared behind a shelf, Alexander turned to Scorpius.

  "This is no fun." He said. "We need to bump it up a notch."

  Scorpius didn't have any experience in making someone jealous, so of course he was failing. "Alright. What do we do?"

  Scorpius searched Alexander's face. Alexander thought for a few moments before his eyes lit up. "I know..." he muttered. Then, surprisingly, he grabbed Scorpius by the tie, and crashed his lips into his.

  Scorpius tensed. What? Why? How? I??? He had never been kissed before, and questions were popping up everywhere.

  "Just relax," Alexander mumbled against Scorpius' lips. Scorpius relaxed slightly, and allowed himself to atleast look like he was enjoying the kiss. A few moments went by with Scorpius and Alexander still lip locked before footsteps approached.

"Oh, I- I didn't-" Scorpius broke away from Alexander to see Albus standing there with a red face and a large book cradled in his arms. "I'm so sorry, I- I have to go."

  Albus dropped the book. He abandoned everything at the table and rushed for the door. Scorpius pushed Alexander's hands off of him and ran after Albus, calling for him to wait up.

  Albus burst into the corridor, walking so fast that Scorpius had to slightly jog in an attempt to catch up. He finally grabbed a hold of Albus' shoulder, spinning him around to look at him. "Albus, I'm so sorry." He said, before noticing Albus' flaming cheeks and glossy eyes. "What's wrong?"

  Albus' eyes darted around, landing on anything besides Scorpius. "I just- I don't know. Damn, I really just- I'm so- I don't know." Albus sighed. He finally locked eyes with Scorpius. "I don't know what's wrong with me. Please let me go."

  Scorpius watched as Albus turned and fled down the corridor, not bothering to try to stop him this time. He figured it was best to let Albus have some time by himself. Scorpius himself could use some alone time.

  Scorpius retreated back to the library to grab his things and and Albus' so he could take them back to the common room. Alexander was waiting for him.

  "Bloody hell, Scorpius, I didn't know he was gonna react like that, I-" Alexander started, but Scorpius held up a hand to cut him off.

  "It's fine. I'm sorry I brought you into this. Have a nice day, Alexander." Scorpius replied. He rounded everything up, then left for the common room.

  Scorpius didn't even have it in him to feel slightly pleased that Albus might have been jealous about Scorpius with someone else.

Just a pre-Valentine's thing for you guys. I have something special for the actual Valentine's Day. Hope you all liked this :)

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