vday special

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Your favorite rat is back with another update. TWO DAYS IN A ROW. Happy Valentine's Day all of you lovely readers. Shout-out to redvelvetrocker for blowing up my wattpad with comments. It makes me feel all nice inside. Anyway, hope you like this ;;;)))

  Albus was definitely taking a lot of time to himself. He was completely ignoring Scorpius. He wouldn't make eye contact. Or say hello. Or even just give him a small smile. The fact that Albus was trying so hard to stay away from him made Scorpius hurt so bad. Scorpius had tried to talk to Albus, but Albus just brushed him off.

  Albus wasn't always a part of Scorpius' life. He had gone many years without Albus as his friend. But now that Scorpius had a taste of what being close to Albus was like, he craved so much more. He was so scared Albus would never talk to him again, and he didn't know what he would do if that ever happened. He would miss the way Albus made him laugh. The days they would spend by the lake or maybe just sitting and talking in the common room. He would miss being able to talk about quidditch with him, because the way his face lit up with passion would always make Scorpius' heart flutter. Now Scorpius would have to go back to secretly watching Albus from the stands. Scorpius almost couldn't bare the thought.

  Scorpius headed down to breakfast one morning with How to get a Boy to Like You in his hand. Instead of sitting at the Slytherin table, he walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down right across from Rose. He set the book on the table and gently slid it to her.

  "What are you doing?" Rose asked, looking up at Scorpius with a raised eyebrow.

  Scorpius sighed. "I'm giving it back. I can't do it anymore, Rose. Albus hates me now. He won't even look at me. I don't know who wrote this book but they must not know a thing about boys!"

  Rose chuckled. "Oh, Scorpius..." she shook her head at him, a fond smile displayed on her face. "I wrote this book, you dummy. I saw how you were acting and I knew you needed my help. You honestly think I don't know anything about boys though? You're wrong. I know what I'm doing. And you say Albus is angry? Well, that means you followed my steps correctly."

  Scorpius stared at Rose, mouth hanging open. "You wrote this? This book is crazy! Albus seriously hates me because of the fifth step!"

  Laughing, Rose placed her hand on top of Scorpius'. "My dear Scorpius, I think I know my own cousin. Trust me, there's no way Albus could hate you."

  Scorpius looked down and swallowed thickly. "How do you know that?"

  "I don't think I've ever seen him as happy as he was when you two were friends. Sure he acted happy when we was with his friends, and I'm sure he was, but I think there was always something missing. I think for him, you are that missing link. You two. You belong together." Rose finished, giving Scorpius a soft smile.

  Scorpius couldn't help but grin. "Thank you, Rose. That does make me feel better." Rose removed her hand from his. "But what do we do now?"

  Rose rolled her eyes, but had a smile on her face. "We need to talk to him, of course. You really are inexperienced with these things. Follow me." Rose stood up.

  Scorpius stood and followed Rose toward the Slytherin table. His stomach felt tight and his heart was beating like crazy. When they finally reached the table, Albus looked up into the face of Rose.

  "Albus, how are you?" Rose asked sweetly. 

  Albus glanced over to Scorpius. He made eye contact for a split second before looking back at Rose. "Uh, I'm alright. You?"

  "Wonderful, thank you. Would you mind coming with Scorp and I to the library? I need your help. It's important." Rose said. She asked him as a question, but her tone of voice suggested he didn't really have an option. So of course, he nodded and stood up to follow them. "Lovely." Rose said, turning and leading them all from the Great Hall.

  Albus and Scorpius followed Rose out of the Great Hall towards the library. However, when she should have gone straight, she took a left turn. "Follow me now." Rose said.

  Scorpius looked back at Albus with a questioning look. Albus tried his best to avoid Scorpius' glance and hastily followed Rose. Scorpius, with no other choice, followed. After a few more moments, Rose stopped abruptly. There was nothing in the corridor except for a few paintings and a single door. She turned sharply.

  "What are you doing, Rose?" Albus asked, clearly suspicious.

  Instead of answering, Rose opened the door to reveal a broom cupboard. Then, she roughly grabbed Scorpius and Albus by their ties and pushed them into the cupboard. "You two need to talk things out. No more tension. Just honesty. I'll be back in 15. You two better have made up by then." Rose said before slamming the door shut. They could hear her retreating footsteps.

  Albus closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, heavily breathing. "Are you okay?" Scorpius asked, hoping to hear something from Albus.

  Albus grunted. "No, Scorpius. Not really."

  Scorpius slightly nodded. "Oh alright. I'm sorry." He said. Albus just sighed. After a few moments, Scorpius spoke again. "And I'm also sorry about what you saw in the library. I didn't mean for you to see that. There wasn't much to see honestly, I don't even have feelings for Alex it's just that...Well, how do I say this, I- I just- It's like-" Scorpius shook his head at himself and sighed. "I just really like you, Albus. I'm so sorry. I just wanted to make you jealous and I-"

  Scorpius was cut off by a loud snort from Albus. "Scorpius." He said flatly.  

  "Yes?" Scorpius asked, voice high and shaky.

   "You're rambling."

   "I know. Merlin, I'm so sorry. I'm always like this when I'm nervous-"

  It all happened so quick. Scorpius heard Albus laugh fondly and then the next moment Albus' hands were cupping his face, and Albus' lips were on his and-

  Holy hell Albus Potter is kissing me.

  Scorpius froze for a moment before melting into the kiss. It was crazy just how amazing a kiss could feel. Their lips slid against each other. Scorpius' hands came up to burrow themselves into Albus' already messy hair. And Albus' hands felt so warm pressed against Scorpius' cheeks.

  They stood there kissing for what seemed like a lifetime, only breaking for air. Neither of them knew exactly what they were doing, but Scorpius felt like they at least resolved something.

Apparently, Rose felt the same. Because when she came back 15 minutes later to see them lip-locked, she just grinned cockily and walked away.

Oh my god. It finally happened. I'm. Wow. What do you guys think??? What are your feelings???

QOTC: what song makes you think of your otp(s)?

How to Get a Boy to Like You » Scorbus Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ