Chapter 4

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"So that.... That was the reason." He mumbled. I couldn't think of any words. My mind, I was scatterbrained. 

"Johnny.." I pleaded as I walked to him. He started backing up slowly. 

"No! No! You're a liar! I knew this would happen!" He hollered as he ran away. Sodapop stood there, his jaw dropped to the floor.

"I never knew how much he cared of you...." He mumbled. 

"Well, no one needed to know." I snapped at him while I walked away. I wanted to go home, that was all! Not here home, back in Utica! I could imagine just me, hanging with friends until the moon lit. I tried fighting the tears; it'd be weird to see a teenager, bawling her eyes out, while walking home at night. I eventually went home, and right as I stepped inside, I knew trouble was coming. 

"Amra! Where have you been? Do you even KNOW how scared we were? Do you see the time?!" My mother kept nagging. After a little, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I just kept crying; and crying. "What is wrong- Amra, why are you crying?" My mother asked. I looked up at her dead in the eye, and hollered;

"IT'S YOU! Tonight, I lost Johnny.  He called me a liar! You know you could hurt peoples' feelings sometimes!" I ran back out, and headed to the Curtis' house. "Hey, Johnny ain't here?" I asked coming in. Darry was in the arm-chair, reading the newspaper. Sodapop was knocked out on the couch, and Ponyboy was staring at the ceiling. 

"No, what brings you here?" Darry asked. 

"I needed a place to cool off, and the only place I could've thought of was here." I said shyly. Pony finally noticed me, and patted a seat next to him for me to sit in. 

"Wanna tell us what happened?" Pony asked. 

"My mom wasn't fond of Johnny and I together, like so close. I was with Johnny after; and he tried hugging me. I lied saying I wasn't feeling well, then I said I was going home. I actually walked around a few blocks, and found Soda," I jerked a thumb to Soda. "I guess Johnny got to him earlier, and told Soda he knew it wasn't the truth; and wanted the real reason. I told Soda everything, then I noticed Johnny was behind him. He started callin' me a liar. He ran off, and I went home, and my mom was nagging at me. She finally noticed me crying, asked what was wrong. I told she was the whole problem. I ran out, and came here." I sighed. Sodapop was already up before I finished explaining, and the other two were trying to find something to say. 

"You could crash on the couch tonight, if you're not planning on going back." Soda suggested. I shrugged my shoulders.

"If it ain't a problem." They all said no; and I stayed the night. We were all just talking, making jokes and sometimes coming to a serious point. After a while, we all went to bed. In the morning, I left before they got up. I went home, and laid on my bed. My mom came in after a while. 

"Amra, I'm sorry of what happened." My mom apologized. 

"Leave me alone. I'm staying in bed for the next few days." I turned to my side and she left. I did stick to my word; staying in bed. I didn't eat, but I drank tons of water. Once in a while I'd shower, and use the bathroom. It was like that for an exact week. I was sleeping one day, but someone woke me up. "What do you want?" I mumbled, forcing myself to get on my other side. 

"It's Johnny." I got up, to see Johnny, scratched up. 

"What happened to you?!" I started to look at each cut, on his face, until he pushed my hands away. 

"The real question is, what happened to you?! Pony told me you went over his house, to cool off, then you were gone when they woke up. Then, no word from you! Do you- do you know.. how worried I was?" He asked. I sighed and just stared at the floor. I couldn't think of anything to say. "Amra, answer me." I looked up at him, and he was miserable. 


"Did you see any Socs?" I shrugged. He sat down, and looked around. It was a messy room, water bottles everywhere, bed was messed up, and my room didn't smell so great. "Real clean..." Johnny murmured.

"Yeah, yeah." I said. I got up and fixed my bed. 

"You finally start to clean? Fine. I'll help." Johnny started picking up the bottles. We cleaned up quickly, then relaxed. "Let's be serious.." Johnny said, calmly. "I want to know, why'd you lie? I honestly was mad. So what about what your mother says? Amra, I like you. I want you. Badly. Please, don't turn me down because of your mother. I just- I can't. I don't know what I would do if, you made me leave." He held my hand, and stared into my eyes. I sighed and started to speak. 

"Johnny, I'm sorry. I don't care about what people say." I hugged him, and he hugged back. He had a warming, caring hug. It wasn't like a regular hug; it was unique. I heard a knock on my window, and it was Pony. 

"Hey Pony, what's wrong?" Johnny pulled up the window. 

"It's Two-Bit. He's insane. He pulled a blade on a Soc. Cops will be there soon. Both of you should come." After that, we were out the door. We three ran, and saw people circled around. We fought our way through, then we saw the Soc and Two-Bit circling, Two-Bit had a blade and a broken pop-bottle, and the Soc had a blade.

"C'mon Two-Bit!" The guys were cheering him on. He grinned, then punched the Soc. The Soc tried to stab Two-Bit, but Two-Bit grabbed him blade, and threw it. He hit the Soc in the head with the bottle, then police came. Johnny grabbed my arm. 

He turned and yelled to me. "Follow me!" It was Dally, Two-Bit, Pony, Johnny and I. We were running fast as we could. We were somewhere, obviously on the east side. People, mostly teens- were hanging out and smoking. 

"I know a way to Pony's!" Dally screamed. 

"I think I know where my own home is!" Pony grinned and ran off. After about a few minutes, we were at Pony's. We all ran in, and crashed onto the couch.

"Why'd you get into that fight?" Dally asked. 

"Soc was picking at me, punching and spitting at me." Two-Bit said. We all just joked around after, until Darry came home. 

"Hey, what's all the noise?" Pony suddenly stopped laughing and stared at the ground. 

"You'll get a crack out of this! I beat a Soc, then police came!" Two-Bit cracked up.

"Pony." Darry snapped. "Were you there? Did you watch? Did you get in trouble by the cops?!" Soda got up,and held a hand against Darry's chest. He brushed it off and looked at Soda.  "Did you let him go? Were you there?" 

"No, I wasn't. He didn't get caught though. The fight wasn't planned. If it was, it would've been something else. It wasn't even a fight; just some punches at each other!" I heard no one talk to Darry like that, no one. Darry stayed quiet, and examined Soda's face expression. Honestly, I thought at that moment, Soda would be slapped silly. 

"What... did you say?" Darry titled his head a little. Johnny slowly got up, and got my hand to get up too. "Johnny, and you." He pointed at us two. "Sit down. Us three need to talk." That's how I knew we were in trouble.

Greaser Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें