Chapter 10: Samantha's POV

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Elizabeth came in, and laid on the couch. 

"Where did Mr. and Mrs. Curtis go?" Amra joked. Elizabeth rolled her eyes. 

"We're sworn brother and sister. He took me for breakfast." I nodded and smiled. "Soda's taking me for lunch and a movie at three. It's two! I need to get ready!" I yelled in an annoying tone. I showered, and put my hair in a bun. I wore a red shirt that had spikes on it, and white shorts. It was 2:30 P.M., so I had time to sit and talk to Amra. 

"How you been? You talk to Johnny?" I asked and she shook her head in disappointment. I rubbed her back for comfort, and I guess it worked. She smiled at me and Tina; 

"You guys are the best."

It was 2:50, and I saw Soda walking to the front door. 

"I'm going. Bye!" I waved and opened the door. 

"Well, hello." Soda smirked and hugged me. "Well sadly, no movie. No fancy dinner. We are going to a carnival!" I laughed at how excited he was. 

"Great!" I smiled and we walked.

"How do you like it here so far?" Soda asked, grabbing my hand. 

"It's real nice. The boys here are nicer." I pokes his side and he jumped. 

"Lil' girl, ain't you a little too young for 'boys'? Get over here!" He let go of me and I ran while he chased me. I was in the parking lot of the carnival and I decided to wait for Soda. "You could run alright. Let's go inside." He put and arm around my waist and we walked in. "Hello! Five dollar admission. Soda gave ten dollars and we bought tickets. We rode several rides, then went to but cotton candy and soda.

We sat on a bench, and we watched the carnival scene. Adult couples holding hands, teen couples holding hands, little girls running around, screaming 

"We'll be best friends forever!" I smiled at the thought of that. I remember when I was a kid, running around with Taylor, screaming the same. 

"I remember being a kid like them." Soda sipped his Pepsi. "Running, finding every and any way to get dirty. Pony, he would tackle me in the dirt and we'd wrestle. Darry wasn't like that. He would watch, and usually yell 'Soda, head lock!' Or 'Pony do a body slam!' Now those, those days were the best." Soda smirked and looked at me, like he wanted me to tell a story.

"Yeah. Bet they were. I remember usually going to parties with my mom and my dad. I'd get so excited to see my friends. We'd play tag or pretend, or dance with our moms." I smiled, and I kept on smiling. Those days were the best. I would remember always annoying my parents about when should we leave or get ready. Soda finished his cotton-candy, and threw it out. We heard faint music, and Soda grabbed my hand. 

"Let's go! There's a dance!" 

"I uh... Fine. Let's go!" We ran to where the music was blaring. Couples all ages were either dancing, kissing, having a drink (more like 25 drinks), or just clapping, cheering for the band. 

"Alright gentleman. Get your ladies on the floor, we're slowing it down for the last song." The singer announced. Soda brought me to the middle of the dance floor, and brought me close. I put my head on his chest, and he put his arms around my waist.

 "You're in my arms, that's where you'll always be. Your soft lips on mine, that's where it'll always be." Soda sang along quietly in my ear. I smiled and he quietly laughed. "Samantha, when I first saw you, I knew I wanted you. Just you. I will fight no matter what to have you, and I'll fight to keep you. I know you'll be stuck in my heart, and my mind." He kissed me passionately, with his soft, dreamy, addicting lips. Sodapop Patrick Curtis, was my first kiss. The music stopped, and when we pulled away, all eyes were on us. It was quiet, then everyone cheered.

"They're so cute!"

"The perfect couple!"

"I envy them!"

I felt blood rushing to my face, then Soda said; "Sadly, this date must end." He pouted. "But, there will absoutely be another date. C'mon, let's go." Soda took my hand and we walked to Amra's home.

We turned to each other, then Soda gave me a peck on the lips. "Bye! Goodnight!" He said and smiled. 

"Night." I walked into the house and went into Amra's room. They both looked at me and I smiled. "Woah."

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