Chapter 12

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Pony came back and wiped his mouth. 

"We gotta get to Dally." Johnny wiped his hands on the grass. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"He'll help us out." Pony helped Johnny up, and we walked to Buck's. We knocked on the door and this buck-teeth man opened the door. 

"Get outta here kids." 

"Dally! We need Dallas." Johnny lowered his voice. 

"He's busy." 

"Tell him it's Pony and Johnny. He'll come." Pony steadied his voice. 

"Wait here." He slammed the door in Pony's face and it opened a moment after.

"What?" Dally asked, eyeing me. "Man, you guys are soaked! Get inside." He led us upstairs where there was a room with a messy bed. 

"Uh, Dally, you weren't-" 

"No, I was sleeping. By myself. Get your mind out of the gutter Pony!" He ruffled Pony's hair. He tossed Pony a worn-out, ripped towel, and a plaid shirt. "What happened that's so important?" He looked at Johnny.

"We all went to the park. Socs came, they cussed at Pony, spilled acohol over him, he cussed back, and spit on them. They chased us, pushed Amra down, and she hit her head, causing her to black out. They pushed Johnny down too. They tried drowning me. Johnny took a knife and stabbed Bob. The Soc with the rings, jumped him few weeks back. Still, he'll be put in an electric chair! We got to hide. That's why we came to you. I know you'll help. C'mon please!" Pony pleaded. Dallas took a puff from his smoke, then sighed. 

"Good going Johnny. Alright. Take the train, it'll go to Windrixville. There will be a old church on a hill. Make sure if its alright to be there. Don't want anyone getting hurt. Here's $50. That will be enough for you to buy some food to last you. Here's a heater too." He took out the heater, which was a gun. Heater is just another slang word for gun. He took off his brown, leather jacket off then put a gun in the pocket. "Guys better get going. Amra!" I turned and looked at Dallas. He gave me his switch blade. "All of 'em got weapons. You need one too." He gave me a warm, pleasuring smile. "When you get there wait for me. I'll be there in the afternoon." He looked at Pony and Johnny. After that, we were off.

We ran to the train, and snuck on. Pony fell asleep, and Johnny put his head on my lap. I played around with his hair. The train was slowing down, and Johnny got up. 

"We need to jump!" He grabbed Pony and we jumped off. Pony was half-asleep, and he was slurring his words. 

"So... Where's the, uh-.. Um... The, the, the!" He started snapping his fingers quickly. "The church!" Johnny got up and looked around. 

"Maybe above that hill?" He scratched his head and started walking. I helped Pony up, and we were catching up to Johnny. 

"It's probably further." I said. We walked for almost a mile, then the church appeared. 

"There it is! There's the church!" We all walked into the church, then laid and fell asleep. I woke up to Pony's snoring, but Johnny's wasn't there. I looked around, then saw a note written onto the dirt. 

'Went to get supplies. Be back soon. J.C.' 

I then fell back asleep.

I woke up, and I'm guessing an hour later, and Pony was at the pump; getting water. He came back, and looked at the note Johnny left. 

"He'll be back soon, won't take long since it's too early for the body to be found, and the news wouldn't spread so quickly." I nodded and agreed, since it's true what he said. Johnny walked in, with a box full of supplies. Johnny started taking things out. 

"Two loaves of bread, week supply of baloney..." Pony started going through the supplies also. "A deck of cards, box of matches, Gone With the Wind!" He cheered as he dug in more. "Peroxide?" His face looked like he assumed something. 

"Johnny, you don't think.." 

"Yeah. We're all going to cut our hair and you're going to bleach yours." Pony shook his head. 

"Oh no, no, no. You're not touching my hair, no sir!"

"C'mon Pony. News will be out soon with our pictures. We have to change out looks!" Johnny pleaded. 

Pony sighed and nodded. "Fine. I'll do it." We went outside and cut Pony's hair first. 

"Ow! C'mon! Be careful!" He whined. He had a reason to whine, since Johnny was using a switch-blade. "Can I see it?" 

"No, we gotta bleach it first." Johnny explained.

We bleached Pony's hair, then cut Johnny's hair. Then, it was my turn. I tied my hair in a ponytail, then cut it. I teared up at first, then it turned into a total sob. Johnny heled me while I sobbed away. I drifted into sleep after, and I woke up seeing someone I didn't want to see at this moment.

A policeman.

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