Chapter 6

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Especially Johnny? Johnny's the most sweetest of the gang. Sure, he gets in trouble sometimes, but, he's the sweetest. I walked to my room, and laid down. I needed a nap, I'm just too tired. I woke up in the middle of the night, sweat on my face and I had a shortness of breath. My dream, it was a vision. It was a fast forward of my life, Pony was with me. This can't be. Sodapop was with Samantha, oh god. They looked perfect. Two-Bit was drunk, with Soda's best friend, Steve. Dally and Johnny weren't there, no where to be seen. Elizabeth was with Darry, obviously. The scene was perfect, but where was Johnny and Dallas? I was worried, I couldn't sleep after. I kept tossing and turning. I was extremely tired in the morning. The whole day, my mom didn't let me leave my room. I was stuck there, and I hated it. I'm supposed to get this cast off in a week, so my whole week will be like this. I can't do this, I have to see what's up with the Greasers. It was the week before Samantha and Elizabeth will come, so I hopefully won't have my cast on while they are here.

This whole week I just laid in my bed, reading and sleeping. Today, I get my cast off, but my ankle feels weird. The doctor clean up the cut again, and put a band-aid on. I came home and started to clean my room. It's only two days before Elizabeth and Samantha visit. I finished cleaning my room an hour or two later, I took a Pepsi can and sat on my back porch. The sun was setting, and it was relaxing.

"So you watch sunsets too." Pony was walking to my porch. 

"Yeah, real relaxing. Never knew 'Mr. Tough Guy' watches sunsets." He nodded and sat next to me. 

"Yeah, no one called me 'Mr. Tough Guy'. Lots of people told Darry and Dally, but not me." I nodded as I got up to grab him a Pepsi. "Thanks for the Pepsi." He grabbed the Pepsi and started drinking it while he stared at the sun. "The sun's all big and perfect, like gold. Perfect."

"Nothing gold can stay."

"What do you mean Pony?"

"'Nature's first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower, but only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf, so Eden sank to grief. So dawn turns to day, nothing gold could stay.'"

"Where did you learn that Pony?" He shrugged his shoulders. 

"Read it in class once. You heard from Johnny?" I shook my head. "The gang's piling up on him because of you. Soda got hurt real bad, looked like he got into a bad rumble. Gang doesn't like the idea of you near him. Poor kid broke down. Dallas started screaming saying they shouldn't be pile up on him, they should get at you." Pony's eyes showed he was worried. Something bad, was happening, but he doesn't want to tell.

"Oh.. You're a part of it.. This will be the last time we speak." I walked away.

"Amra! I'm not a part of it!" I slammed the door and went to my room. Pony's a part of it, no matter what. If he wasn't, he wouldn't know of this. He wouldn't tell me how much I'll suffer.

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