Chapter 15

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My heart dropped after hearing those words. Johnny's hand tensed, and his face got pale and sweaty. The policeman took him to his cell, and Two-Bit and Soda came up to me. I had my face buried in my hands, and my eyes started to get watery. This can't be happening. Pony and I aren't guilty, how is he?! I felt two arms wrap me. I seen by the corner of my eye, it was Cherry. 

"I'm sorry. I tried, Randy tried, and so did the rest." I nodded slowly, sniffling. 

"Let's go, wanna go to get something to eat and come home?" I shook my head. 

"Last thing I wanna do is go home.

"Well, you could spend the night at my house." I nodded, and we went outside. Cameras and reporters flooded around us. Cherry pushed and dragged us through. Instead of going to eat, we went straight to her house. She introduced me to her parents, and we went to her room. 

"Just lay down. I'll get you some pajamas, and I'll find a mattress. Take a shower if you want." Yes! A shower! Once she gave me clothes to borrow, I went into her bathroom and showered. After, we got the bed ready, and laid down.

"The... 'punishment' is tomorrow for Johnny. Let's sleep." Cherry said. After a few tears shed, I slept.

I woke up, and on a chair next to me were a red shirt, jean jacket, new red converse, blue skinny jeans, and a red bandana. I put everything on, and fixed my hair with the bandana. 

"Everything's perfect." I said, walking down the stairs. Food was on the table, and only Cherry's brother, Matthew was eating. Everyone else was gone.

"Where's everyone?"

"Our parents are working, Cherry's getting ready in the other bathroom."

I nodded, and ate. Moments later, Cherry walked in. 

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded, and we left. We came to where Johnny's, leaving. Two-Bit, Soda, Steve, the rest of the crew was there too. Johnny's parents weren't there. Funny. Pony walked up to me. 

"Are you okay?" He said awkwardly. I nodded, and he just hugged me. No words added. Just a hug. The rest of the gang hugged me, telling me it'll be alright. Johnny was brought in, and only had ten minutes to say goodbye. He talked to the gang, then came to me. I was already in tears, and I seen Johnny was fighting his tears back. I hugged him tightly, knowing it'll be our last hug. I kissed him, knowing it'll be our last kiss. 

"I love you. I always will." Johnny said, with a tear streaming down his cheek. 

"I will always love you too Johnnycake." We had our last hug, and he sat down in the electric chair. He kept his eyes on me. I kept my eyes on him. They turned on the electric, and his body was shaking. I was crying, screaming. Calling the policemen and judge monsters. But Johnny kept his eyes on me. He focused on me. I looked at him, and mouthed 'I love you.'

"I will always love you." He mouthed, then his eyes rolled back. I fell to the floor, crying. I got up, and ran. 

I didn't realize where I was going at first. But when I got there, I knew. I went to the cliff Johnny showed me. I stayed on edge, looking down at the rocks. 

'Don't do it.' I heard Johnny's voice.

"Amra no!" I turned and seen  Pony. "Don't, jump." I stomped my foot down. 

"Why not?! They killed Johnny! Those monsters! I loved him! Now he's GONE. GONE!"

"I promised Johnny I'll keep you alive!"

"Why?! No one loves me as he did! I won't ever be the same!" Pony grabbed my waist, and our faces collided into a kiss.

"I love you, Amra." 

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