Chapter 13

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"Well, sir- I never saw those people in my life!" I heard Pony's voice worried, but calm. 

"Sir, I know and confirm these two are you- and this girl. About her, where is she?" A deep, demanding voice spoke. 

"She's sleeping." Johnny talked back. I heard foot-steps, and I opened my eyes, slowly; and yawned while stretching. I looked at the policeman, closed my eyes, and opened them quickly to look surprised. I jumped up, and cleared my voice. 

"Oh, um, hello sir." I smiled. He gave a fake smile, then put on a serious face. 

"Have you ever seen these people before?" He shoved a photo of Johnny, Pony, and I. 

"Uh..." I looked at the photo and focused. 'Lie. Just lie.' I thought to myself. "No, never have." The policeman's face got red with anger.

"That's funny. Because these people are you! You're all arrested." He grabbed me roughly, and shoved me into the car. I started to cry, and I covered my face with my hands. Johnny got to my side, and held me. 

"It'll be alright, sh, sh, sh. I'll save you. Don't worry." Johnny whispered in my ear. Pony came next to him, then the police man came and drove us away. We were in the station, giving our sides of the story. The lady who listened to me, she was sweet, innocent, beautiful. Hazelnut hair that flowed onto her shoulders, hazel eyes to add to her beauty. She had freckles, not to many, not little, just enough. 

"There is a court hearing tomorrow for you three." She said in her light, perfect, innocent voice. I nodded, and she left. I envy her, her innocence, her beauty, her feauters, her perfectness.

A court hearing? Will my family be there? I'm too embarrassed to know. I fell asleep a few hours later, after sobbing my eyes out, worrying for Johnny. Will he be guilty for murder? It was self-defense. I wake up to the noise of the cell opening and closing. Pony climbed on the top bunk, and Johnny came onto the bottom bunk with me. I faced the wall, and Johnny dragged me close to him, and whispered in my ear.

"I never told you about the Socs girls, so here it is. Two-Bit, Pony, and I decided to go to the Nightly Double. We met Marcha and Cherry. We talked to them, we never tried 'stealing' them."

I turned and faced Johnny. He noticed I cried, and frowned. 

"I'm worried. What if you're opposed guilty? What will we do then?!" I started to yell, but Johnny calmed me. 

"Cherry will explain how Bob acts and how he attacked us. Also Randle, a Soc, will help too. Then there's us three. Five people showing I'm not guilty." He smiled, and hugged me. 

"Since this might be our last time together," I cupped Johnny's face in my hands, and kissed him. We pulled away, and he looked at me. 

"Amra, I love you." 

"I love you too." I kissed Johnny again.

"We have a court hearing tomorrow. Let's sleep." I turn to my side, and Johnny held me. I know Johnny couldn't sleep, I couldn't sleep, niether can Pony. It was late at night when we finally fell asleep.

It was early in the morning, but Johnny woke me up. He gave me a kiss on the forehead, and smiled. 

"Hello." He said. I smiled back, and the cells opened. 

"Your families dropped off clothes." The cop, who arrested us, said and left. I got my white shirt and jeans, and changed.

Here's the thing about me. When I trust or love someone, I'll change in front of them no problem. Johnny and Pony changed, and greased their hair. We were led out and walked into the courtroom.

It was literally, life or death.

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