Chapter 9: Elizabeth's POV

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"Johnny had a girl all over him, but not on purpose. He couldn't get her off." Amra's mom, Sophia sighed. 

"I'll talk to her later. Go to bed." I nodded and showered. This night, I couldn't sleep. I just thought of what I told Darry.

-Flash Back-

   "Listen, Darry, you're an awesome friend. But that's what I want you to be. A friend." Darry untensed, and the happiness in his face disappeared. "It's okay. But in the morning, could we get lunch? You and I?" I nodded and he smiled. "At 10 A.M., I'll be outside Amra's home waiting." I nodded, and we went to watch the movie.

-End of Flashback-

I finally fell asleep, and woke up early. I woke up at 9 A.M., no one was up. I snuck into the kitchen and grabbedd a cereal bar. After, I hopped into the shower. I came out, and wrapped my hair in a towel. I wore light ripped skinny jeans, a floral strapless shirt, which had a brown leather belt around my stomach. I curled my hair, and put it into a ponytail. I added a black bandana, just because.

When I checked the time, it was 10 A.M. I wore my white converse, and went outside. 

"Early I see." I smirked and saw Darry sitting on the porch. He was wearing jeans, and a short sleeved black button-up shirt. 

"Well. Lookin' nice. Hop in, we're going for brunch, breakfast and lunch, obviously." I laughed and got into the truck. We pulled up to a resturant, it looked quite nice. It was called 'La'Vale Resturant.' We walked in, and there was a long line. 

"We got reservations." Darry said to the waiter. We sat down, and they asked for drinks. "Coffee." 

"Water would be nice." I smiles at the waiter. After, we ordered food. Darry ordered an omlet, I ordered bacon and pancakes. 

"How long will you stay?" I shrugged and guessed 

"August, probably." We talked and I learned a lot of Darry. Sadly, his parents died in an auto-wreck. He had to skip college and work two jobs. He takes care of Ponyboy and Sodapop, and he's been a Greaser for a while. Most likely years. I told him of myself too. How I go to the smartest school in Albany, how I knew Amra (we met in kindergarten), and I do karate. I'm a purple belt in karate, soon to be brown belt.

"Nice. You got a happier story than me." He took a bite in his omlet. 

"No, I don't. You might have bad points in your life, but doesn't mean you got a depressing story." I bit into my pancake and it was delicious. He nodded and stayed quiet. 

"Here's your check. I'll be back to get the money." The waiter gave the check to Darry, and he put money on the check and we got up. We got into the car, and he turned on the radio. 

"That's sweet music. Joy to my ears!" It was country, and I just nodded. We pulled into the driveway. I walked out and Darry called me.

"Yes?" I asked and he sighed. 

"Well, let's be.. Sworn brother and sister?... Would you like to go to the movies one day? Doesn't have to be so soon." 

"I'll be your sworn sister alright. We should go to the movies before I leave." I smiled then walked into the house and watched him drive away by the door.

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