Blue With White Stars-- Six

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America yawns and stretches his arms, still tired of staring at a computer screen for 5 hours every weekend.

Being a nation basically means spending your whole entire weekends doing paper work for your country.

Sometimes it's easy and all countries get it done quickly, but at most times; it takes forever.

'Why can't I do this next weekend when I'm actually not distracted and tired?'

The Americans mind complains to itself, taking his focus off the computer.

Another yawn escapes America's mouth and he rubs his eyes, practically falling asleep slowly.

Several notifications pop up on the computer screen with a loud ringing sound. With an annoyed groan, he opens up his email and sees messages from Moscow about the newest updates for the debt of Russia.

Just looking the name "Russia" makes the American frown deeply, remembering his actions from the last time he saw him.

Forcing him to speak, pinning him against a wall, leaving red marks around his wrists; America regretted doing all of those things.

If Russia was telling the truth the whole time and it turns out his aura really is darker than he'd expect, then everyone was wrong about the true meaning of that aura.

Everyone is scared, it's no wonder countries left Moscow right away after the meeting.

America decided to stay in Moscow only because of the fact his plane was canceled for whole day, even though the snow isn't that bad.

He might even stay for a while longer if Russia needs company for a short time, considering his personal problems with containing the aura like its a disease that needs quarantined.

It's almost like America is the only one who actually has at least a little sympathy for the nation.

He opens up the first email and reads through it while leaning his head on the palm of his hand.

Although it's your choice for the what debt Russia needs to pay, I came up with a few ideas that are appropriate for country debts after wars.
-- Please choose one and message me back when you have the chance --
1- Russia must serve time in your house as a full time servant (Example-- Lithuania)
2- Pay off your economic bills at a minimum of $209,001,150
3- Go under practice of Democratic government styles

None really seemed to fit what America wants Russia to do to pay off the debt, unless Russia could possibly pay his debt by getting rid of that sickening aura.

With a few second thoughts, America responds with a message saying that he'll deal with the debt on his own.

England was wrong about America going through a lot in the Cold War, if anything; Russia went through the most.

Not to mention that he almost got turned into ice and had an aura attach itself to Russia's mind.

If he has to pay off a debt, then that would be to get rid of the torment and depression of his past.

America clicks off his emails with yet another loud yawn, making his eyes tear up a little.

He jumps off his chair and leaves his room, not wanting to finish his in-necessary mandatory homework.

He'd rather just go to the library and pretend to read like everyone else when he's really just staring at the pages without actually reading them.

How else would he earn the title of being the person who reads the most books in the library, which we all know isn't accurate enough to be true.

He grabs a black hoodie off the closet doorknob and puts it on him before exiting the house.

The sky is more lighter than usual and the ever lasting cold breeze that blows around a lot isn't present.

It really just feels likes any other morning at America's house, or Colorado's house is you decide to compare it with that.

America strolls down the side walk with many random thoughts his mind, mostly about the up coming Olympics and E3 event.

He still doesn't understand why others don't know what E3 is and why it exists.

It's the event where America can see the newest games that are coming out soon and see trailers for horror games; in which England still doesn't understand very well.

Then again, England never understands anything that's American related.


With a fake cheerful smile, America enters the two-story library and walks passed several people reading at the tables.

Some are Citizens of Moscow and the rest are probably tourists. It feels just like any other library in America.

America walks over to a random section of book and acts as if he could read the Russian titles.

'I should've thought about this before coming here, I don't even speak Russian.'

A regretful thought slips into the Americans mind, making him chuckle at his own mistake.

He pulls a random book out and sits down at a table in the corner, being unsocial because of his lack of knowledge on the Russian language and how they act.

After a while of turning pages and staring at a language he doesn't even understand, America closes the book with a sigh.

Now he understands why Germany said he had the lowest reading score in Gakuen High School.

He would read a few pages and close the book without reading anything else.

The entrance door to the library opens and a familiar male walks inside with a scarf wrapped around his neck and over his nose.

It didn't even take a minute for America to recognize the nation, he already knew it was Russia once he saw the wrists; which are still slightly red.

Knowing Russia probably doesn't want to talk to America after what happened the night before, he ducks behind the table and pretends to grab something off the floor.

Russia doesn't take notice to the nation and strolls off to a large section of books with an expression of either fear or unease.

America sits back up and sees Russia grab a book, which has an English title and description.

Though it wasn't clear to read the title, America still could have sworn that the exact title was The Signs of Deep Depression.

It struck the American to know that the Russian nation was in a deep depression.

He never knew that his victory, debts, and actions would make Russia fall into this state of pure sorrow.

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Blue With White Stars | RusAme ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें