Chapter 1

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Xia Shion woke up. He looked around him. Last he remembered he was falling from the cliff.But now, he was back to.... wait, where in the world was he?

Xia Shion tried to look around himself. Owww..... that cliff was no joke, even a soul god level person such as himself would have the best bet of landing and breaking every single bone in his body. Maybe his soul would also have scattered, but, that's a different issue. And a soul god's endurance was also not anywhere close to low for normal people. He could survive a fall from 15000 metres!

He struggled to get up but, he could not move his body. He somehow managed to turn is head to the side with great difficulty only to see another person staring at him with a pair of big blue eyes.

He felt that his heart skipped a beat. This girl was beautiful beyond comparison. She had white hair, wore a purple and blue robing. But, she looked only 14 years old. Atleast that's what her appearance was.

She said," Lie down, please do not attempt to get up. Your bones are thoroughly broken, if not shattered". Xia Shion knew that already, she did not need to say it. Looking at his expression, she also said," Also, your soul retainer has shattered". Shion's mouth fell. Without his soul container, how was he to reach deity sect?

Xia Shion sighed, and was really depressed. Even the beauty had left after saying those words. He found it strange as to why he why still alive.

Moreover, where was he? With a fall of that great a height, he shouldn't be able to even keep his soul , much less actually survive.

He lost all hope, and all he could do was look at the ceiling. Why was he still alive? And for what reason did the Gods punish him in this way?

Shion researched practically everything, from the base level till Heaven god realm. He was researching, exploring, travelling, and yet did not find one solution to his problem. His soul container was shattered, and was utterly beyond repair. Not by any enemy, but, he was born with it.

He was devastated. people in his country acted very respectful towards him. But, as soon as he turned around, he could only hear laughs, and they pitied him.

Suddenly, the door opened. Shion managed to turn his head around a bit. The girl had returned, and had some items on both of her hands. One was a shiny sword, and another looked like a pill of some sort. The girl said," You already have the <<Quinque>>, why not swallow the pill too?" and then sighed.

Shion replied with a question," What? What are you talking about?".

She said," I will not say this again, which of these two items do you want to die with? The sword gives you a quick death, whereas, the pill is a bit different".

Shion eyes met hers. She wasn't joking.

He finally said with a sigh," Okay..... I choose the pill".

The girl smiled while giving him the pill.

Shion immediately swallowed it.

The girl smiled again and she said," Writhe, live and writhe again."

Shion started burning up. His skin tore and the blood was flowing out. Slowly, his bones were being seen, and they too were slowly breaking down. He was at the brink of death Then, a silence.

Xia Shion was dead.

The girl who was at the door smiled and giggled for a while before she went away.

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