Chapter 3

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We made our way through the traffic until we pulled up outside Mark's house. I had to admit, it was pretty nice. I could see the pool in the back garden and instantly felt like a little kid. Mark opened the front door and we headed inside.

"Anti, you can put your stuff behind the couch. Jack, I'll take you up to the guest room." Mark said as he lead Jack upstairs.

I squatted down behind the couch and pulled my bag down behind me. A heard someone coming down the stairs. I peeked over the couch and saw Mark walk over to the fridge and take a swig of juice. He was wearing a black tank top and pyjama bottoms. Had he gotten changed?
I stood up, banging my foot against the couch. Mark jumped, spitting juice everywhere. He coughed and faced me, growling.

"Shite! I'm sorry Mark! I didn't mean to ..." My apology was cut short when I saw his eyes. Black where his whites should be, and blood red pupils. My eyes grew wide, and his face fell as he stared at me.

He took a step towards me, but I took a step back in return.

"Septic!?" He said, his voice deep. I didn't know what to do at this point. I was scared, shaking.

"Ah Dark! I see you've met Anti!" I heard Mark say as he reentered the room with Jack next to him. The man called Dark shot his eyes towards Mark.

"You fucking idiot! Do you think I don't know who he really is?!" He bellowed. Jack stepped towards me and gripped my arm.

"Anti, are you okay?" He asked. I turned and looked at him, still shaking.

"What's ... Going on?" I stuttered.

"What's going on is I've just found out that the legendary Septiceye was living with the mortals!" Dark cried at me. "I thought you were dead!"

"Who ... Who are you?" I asked.

"It's me! Dark! We were best mates, remember?" Dark said.

I shook my head. Dark growled heavily. He looked just like Mark, except his teeth were fanged, his hair was gelled backwards, unlike Mark's which was styled like Jack's but longer. His eyes were soulless, almost piercing right through me.

"What's happened to you!? What happened to the crafty Antisepticeye I used to know?!" Dark punched the fridge door, denting it.

He looked over at Jack. "You...!" Dark charged towards him. I tried to shield Jack, but Dark tossed me across the room.

"Anti!!!" Jack cried as Dark picked him up by his neck.

"What did you do to him?! Tell me!!!" Dark yelled, suspending Jack in the air.

"F ... Fuck you." Jack slurred, tears trickling down his face. Dark tightened his grip around his neck.

"Dark! Stop!!!" Mark ran and jumped on Dark's back, pounding his head. Dark simply stood there, pulled Mark off of him and tossed him next to me, knocking him unconscious.

Jack looked over at me, eyes overflowing with tears. "Anti..." He screamed out in pain as Dark squeezed both his hands round his neck.

My mind drifted back to me and Jack a few months ago...


"Anti! What happened to you?!" Jack cried. I stood there, cuts and bruises all over my body, dried blood stained to the side of my face and hands.

I said nothing. I was always bullied, even though I was 26, and dragged into fights, but this was the worst one yet.

"I'm ..." I mumbled, trembling in the doorway. "I'm not ... A freak ... Am I?" I broke down, crying into my blood covered hands.

Jack ran over to me and hugged me tightly. We stood there for a moment, me sobbing onto his shoulder as he did the same. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, his red from crying.

"Anti, you're so much more than you realise. Your eye is a symbol of the great power you have. One day, your gonna show those people who you are and what you can do!"

"R ...Really?" I sniffed.

Jack tilted his head and smiled. "Really! And I'm gonna be there to witness every second of it! And nothing is gonna cone between us!"

(End of flashback)

I felt something inside me snap, but it wasn't anger. It was rage. Jack's smile was gone, Dark was taking it away from me. I can't let that happen ... No ... Nobody hurts Jack like that!!!

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