Chapter 4

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Dark went flying across the room beside the giant mirror, dropping Jack to the floor with a loud 'thud'. I stood there, my firsts clenched, guarding him.

Dark looked up and smiled. "Now that's the Anti I missed!"

"You bastard!" I screamed as I jumped on Dark, smashing his head repeatedly against the hard floor with all my strength.

"Anti! Stop!" Jack cried. I didn't listen. This felt amazing, letting all my emotions exit out through my hands. I felt a small smile creep on my face as I continued to smash Dark's head. Thick black blood trickled down his face and onto the floor. This was so fun!

"Anti!" Jack screamed, his voice cracking. I stopped and turned around, seeing him standing there, almost in tears. "Please stop ..."

I turned back to Dark who was lying unconscious in a pool of black ink blood. I loosened my grip on his head and looked up into the mirror behind him.

Is ... That me ...??? Serrated teeth, pointed ears, and a glowing eye with a blue pupil and a sickly green where the white should be, that seemed to drip down my face.

I screamed as a sharp pain filled my head. I gripped my hair tightly and continued to scream, falling onto my side. I heard Jack run over to me, he was saying something, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Everything went blurry and cold. Then darkness surrounded me.


I woke up in a large bed, a wet flannel on my forehead and the blankets wrapped around me like a second layer of skin. My head felt heavy as I sat myself up, and spotted Jack sat at the foot of the bed.

"J ... Jack?" I stutter, my throat dry. My mouth feels weird.

Jack breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god, your awake!" He jumps up and removes the flannel, placing the back of his hand there instead. "How are you feeling."

"S ... Strange ..." I mumble, swiping my tongue along the inside of my mouth. Suddenly a sharp pain fills the tip and I spit blood out into my hand.

"Careful! Don't do that!" Jack yells moving a glass of water closer to me. I continue to stare at my hand, a cold chill runs through my body ... My blood ... Is black.

I quickly grab the glass of water and look at my reflection. My canine teeth were ... Sharp, pointy, serrated.

I look up at Jack, still shaken. "Wha ... What the hell is wrong with me?" I ask.

Jack sighs, saying nothing.

"Tell me!!!!" I scream, jumping up and standing face to face with him, his blue eyes twitching.

"Anti." Jack began. "You're not human."

My eye's widen and I start to feel weak in the knees. "W ... What?!" I whisper sharply.

"You're a Doppelganger, my supernatural twin." Jack said keeping his eyes fixed on me.

My head begins to spin, I loose my balance and collapse against the wall. Jack attempts to hel me up but I push him back.

"Why ... Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I cry, tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, I didn't think Dark would recognise you." He said placing his head in his hand.

"What do you mean he'd recognise me? We've never met!" I snapped.

"Anti." Jack took a sharp breath in. "When you were a kid, Dark would visit you a lot, since he's actually Mark's Doppelganger, so he could easily teleport to you. But I noticed you were different from Dark, as you only had one demonic eye and you were much more powerful than him, despite being younger. But you were always together."

"Then, when you were sixteen, something happened between you two and you lost your memory of everything to do with what you were and who Dark was. Your powers were also erased but your eye was still there."

I stood completely still and crawled my hand over my eye.

"Dark never showed up again and it was only after I met Mark that I found him again." Jack finished.

I just stood there, taking everything in all at once.

I'm not human.

Tears begin to swell up in my eyes as I remember all the times me and Jack shared together.

He'd been sharing them with a monster.

I broke down and cried into my hands, trembling. Jack embraced me in a hug, tears gushing out of me, as I realised something.

Jack had lied all along.

I am a freak.

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