Chapter 5

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Jack leaves the room, allowing me to sit in my bed alone, trying to hold back my tears. I clenched my fists and hung my head. All this time, I was a monster, and he never told me. All the times we laughed together, cried together, played together ... He had been doing it with a monster. I grind my teeth and screw my eyes shut.

He lied.

The door creaked open and I looked up slightly.

Dark. His eye was black and he had a bandage wrapped around him head. Deep claw marks embedded into the side of his neck. My face turned red and hands trembled.

I did that?!

Dark looked at me with his demonic eyes, but they seemed different that before. More forgiving.

"Hey Anti." He said under his breath.

"H ... Hey." I mumbled.

"I, uh ... Guess you know? About us?" He asked rubbing the back if his neck.

"Kinda ..." I sighed looking down at the floor. Dark came over and sat down next to me.

"Wh ... What happened to me ...?" I stutter looking at my hands.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." Dark sighed gripping my hand. "I was just so shocked to see you again, and I had no idea you had lost your memory."

I looked over at Dark, a blood red tear tricked down his cheek. He wiped it away and met my eyes. "I missed you."

He pulled me into a hug. This man who I had just met and beat into a pulp was forgiving me and crying into me. He wasn't a monster. He was just misunderstood.

"Hey, Dark?" I said as Dark pulled away. "What was I like before any of this happened? When we were kids."

Dark sniffed and smiled. "You were funny, a real troublemaker, but my god you were powerful for your age!"

I frowned. Was I really that powerful? "What happened when I was sixteen?"

Dark's face fell. "We had a job to do, but you didn't wanna cooperate and stood up to the boss. You were dragged off and I never saw you again. When I couldn't find you and got pissed, I was banished from hell and was forced to live here with Mark. I have no idea what they did to you, but it caused you to loose your powers and your memory."

I swallowed hard. It was scary knowing that something changed your life and you had no idea.

"But it doesn't matter, cause you're back!" Dark smiled. Was I really back though? I'm not the same person I was back then.

"I'm ... Not too sure about that." I mumble, twitching my thumbs. There was a moment of silence in the room, the air was so heavy, like concrete holding us down. I really felt sorry for Dark. It's gotta be just as hard on him as it is for me.

"Well, we'd better get started then, haven't we?" Dark sighed, standing up.

"Start what?"

"Getting you're powers back." Dark smiled. My eyes grew wide. Did I really have powers?

"Um ... Okay." I stutter. "Do you have powers?"

"Yeah, but I don't use them very often cause there's no need to since I was banished from hell."
He said.

"Can ... Can I see?" I asked quietly. I didn't want to be rude,but I was so curious.

"Sure, hold on a sec." Dark closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. A cold chill whipped around the room as he clenched his fists. Black smoke surrounded his body as he burst into black flames. He turned to me, dark circles under his eyes and his teeth more pointed than usual.
I watched in awe as his shivered slightly and everything shifted back to normal, the flames died down, the black smoke drifted away and his teeth retracted.

"Now it's your turn!" Smiled Dark as he helped me off the bed.

"What?! I - I can't do that!" I blurt out. Dark took hold of my hands and gripped them tightly.

"Listen, I'm gonna help you. You need to keep hold if my hands though, okay?"

I shift slightly and nod. Dark's body is once again engulfed in black flames and stop when they reach my hands. I stumble back slightly.

"Don't worry, they wont burn you. Now close your eyes and think of something that really pisses you off. Dig deep and find the anger."

I closed my eyes and thought back to Jack, being held up in the air by his neck, tears running down his cheeks and his smile fading away. I felt the anger slowly creep up my spine and my arms began to tingle.

I open my eyes slowly and see Dark's flames spreading up my arms, but they began to tint green as they climbed. Soon, they were up to my neck and a green smoke surrounded me. As my face was engulfed, I felt my teeth and ears grow. My senses were all over the place, I could smell next doors food, I could hear them talking to each other. My sight was slightly tinted a bright green colour. I looked up at Dark who had a large smile across his face, his eyes glistening in the light of the fire that engulfed us.

"Welcome back Anti."

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