Part of the coven: Part one (Y/N's POV)

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   Soon after the movie Jo and I went to her room and decided to sit in bed for a bit. She knew this would be hard for me and was helping in anyway she possibly could, which I was eternally grateful for. Jo's dad had also told the school that I wouldn't be in for a few weeks due to the incident, to give me enough time to grieve and settle in in my new temporary home. Jo's dad had said that I was welcome to stay as long as he would allow one of his own, but I didn't plan on staying much longer after I became a legal adult.

    Jo and I changed into our pyjamas and settled down for the night. Not long after this we both fell asleep. It was hard without my parents and I would always miss them, but everyday they were gone I felt like I could get on with life just a little bit more. It would be a while till I felt mostly okay (nothing would ever be completely the same again) but I was getting there, and Jo was a big part of that. A big part of my life.

Part of the coven (Kai Parker)Where stories live. Discover now