Part of the coven: Part five Y/N's POV

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            'No... How are you here?' I say, tears rolling down my face. Kai walks forward, puts his hand on my face and lightly brushes the tears away. 'My god you haven't aged a day.' He says softly while looking me in the eyes. I look away and turn my head. 'Don't touch me Kai,' I say harshly 'Ever again.'

            'I'm curious, it's been 19 years. You should be 40 right now but you don't look a day over 20.' He laughs. '21 actually, but thanks.' I sneer. 'Ah yes, sometimes I forget we're the same age 'cause of how beautiful you are.' He smirks. 'Did you come here for an actual purpose or just to dig up old painful memories I hoped I'd forgotten.' 'I missed you Y/N.' Kai says softly. 'Save it Kai, we both know you don't feel.' I say trying to hold back all the things I actually want to say to him. Kai being back here felt different than I thought. I thought that I'd hate him, slap him, anything but have to fight the urge to tell him I missed him too. Saying that I didn't would be a lie, because I did miss him, everyday. Despite all the evil things he'd done to his family, to my best friend, I couldn't shake my feelings for him, and I don't think I ever would.

Part of the coven (Kai Parker)Where stories live. Discover now