Part of the coven: Part three Kai's POV

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After leaving Bonnie in that God-awful prison world and getting the hell back to the real world I had only one thing on my mind. While I was stuck in my own personal hell I thought that as soon as I got out I would start planning my revenge against the coven, but as soon as I left all I could think about was her. Wonder he she looked now, how much she'd aged. Had she settled down? Forgotten about me. About our bond. Where she was. All thoughts of revenge leaving my head. I just need to see her, need to know she's okay. I desperately hope that she's moved on, found someone to share her life with, started a family. So that I can move on too. so that I can have closure, so that I can stop feeling and focus on getting revenge.

Part of the coven (Kai Parker)Where stories live. Discover now