Part of the coven: Part two Y/N's POV

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(Present day)

Sat down at a table with the Mikaelsons wasn't exactly how I'd pictured the future. But living with them wasn't how I saw it either, and I definitely didn't see myself as a vampire, but sometimes things don't work out the way you plan them, that doesn't mean you can't love it (most of the time anyway, Kol can be real hard to live with some days.) The Mikaelsons had become my family though, so I had learnt to deal with all of Niklaus and Kol's temper tantrums.

Jo was now a doctor at Whitmore hospital, not that I spoke to her much anymore, (she refused to visit the Mikaelson house out of fear for Klaus and Kol.) With Kai gone everything was at peace for her, I didn't want complicate her life even more frequently after she gave up her powers to lead a normal life.

When I first moved in it was just me, Klaus and Elijah. After the dinner party from hell, Kol, Rebekah, Finn and Ester joined us. Of course Finn and Ester were dead now, but the house is still crowded, especially with Kol's daily shenanigans. Despite all this they slowly but surely became family, and they thought of me as the same.

'We have some business to attend to at the Salvatore house today.' Klaus says making all of our heads turn in his direction. 'Apparently Damon's back.' Kol and I instantly look eyes, sharing a knowing look. Our favourite, and possibly our only, shared hobby, is annoying the older Salvatore to no end.

'They've invited us round for dinner. We have matters to discuss such as; where Damon has been this whole time and how he got back. So if you'll all go get ready we're leaving in an hour.' We then all head off to our rooms to change. I decide on a casual yet classy black dress and walk downstairs. 'Why do we even have to go to this thing.' I say to Klaus as we walk out the door 'I mean it's not like we've had concern for Damon Salvatore's life before why should we start now.' I add. 'Because,' Klaus starts. 'he could have vital information. Stefan mentioned something about a possible new threat. I just want to be sure about all of this.' He finishes.

As soon as we all arrive at the Salvatore boarding house Damon opens the door. 'Well aren't you just a sight for sore eyes, Y/N.' He says with a smirk 'Nice try Salvatore but you are WAY too old for me.' I reply jokingly. 'Please, I'm 23.' He says scoffing. '25' Stefan coughs, making me laugh. 'So, shall we get this dinner started.' Kol says a little angered, I'll have to talk to him about that later, and we all move to the dinning room.

After more joke flirting with Damon, and a lot of alcohol. The 'adults' (Stefan, Klaus and Elijah) start to talk about the important matters at hand. 'So Damon wasn't actually dead?' Elijah asks confused. 'Nope. I was stuck in a constant loop of May 10th, 1994.' My breath catches in my throat and I feel like I'm about to be sick. Apparently I lose all colour in my face as well because Elijah is the first to ask if I'm okay. 'I'm fine, I just need some air' I reply with a forced polite smile and get up to leave. As soon as I get out of the house I collapse against the wall in the Salvatore's garden and a few tears escape my eyes.

I hear someone else get up from inside the house and I'm joined a few seconds later by another presence. I look up to see Elijah stood there a breathe a sigh of relief through my tears ,I can tell Elijah anything. 'Y/N, what's wrong.' I hear him say softly. I get up and look him in the eyes 'I know Bonnie's still stuck over there Elijah but you can't let anyone open that prison world ever again.' I say in between sobs. 'Hey, hey, hey, you need to calm down Y/N.' Elijah says 'Why can't we open the prison world.'

'Because if you do, he can escape...'

Part of the coven (Kai Parker)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang