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  When they arrived, the house was old and musty inside. It was hard to breathe and it had a strong aroma of mould and mildew. There was a long, tall, creepy, squeaky staircase that had a creeky sound every single time you stepped on a step. The house had a very tall roof and when you walk into the kitchen it had a big glass chandelier that was cracked halfway through it. When you walk into the living room there is sheets all over the furniture and the drapes are closed shut.
It doesn't seem like there have been any light in there since the 19th century. Both Max and April walked into the room, gave a couple coughs, walked out of the room and back onto the front porch.
  Max didn't like it in there,  so he went back into the car and stayed there until it was night. Then finally April decided to come out to the car and talk to Max. April said to Max, "Max please come inside you must be freezing?"
  Max then replied, "if you think I'm going in that thing they call a castle, then think again! I rather freeze to death then have to sleep in that old musky castle. Nobody can make me. That includes you!"
  "I tried, and if you don't want my help then you can suffer on your own!"
  "I will!" exclaimed Max.
Two hours later Max finally showed up in the house and April said, "what did it feel like being a loner in the car. I told you, you'd would freeze your pants off."
  "I'm not discussing this with you right now. I'm going to bed."
   And with that Max went to bed and April thought, why don't I try and get to know grandpa a little better. He may be old and he maybe a little cranky but I might get something or some cool facts about this old, old Castle of his.
April found her grandpa in the living room staring at the blank TV screen. April asked grandpa, "what are you looking at?"
He didn't reply.
"Uh hello?" Said April.
"Him," said her grandfather.
"Who's him?" Said April.
"Grandpa, are you OK. Do you need me to get somebody, like your butler, because I don't know who "him" is?"

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