Max's Mission

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  Off he went on a mission to find April. He started off by following tire tracks that he assumed were the black cars. On the way there he saw a very weird crow that would fly above him and squawk so loud. Max thought that was kinda peculiar because crows don't really live out here in the country, but what brought up his wits even more was the green and orange stripped collar that it was wearing. Maybe it belonged to "him". That is what he was going to find out.  Max soon saw a very old looking house in the distance. About 45 minutes later he approached the house. He heard a loud bang from inside of the house and so Max yelled, "Hello, April are you here?"
   No answer. He yelled again, no answer. He yelled one last time and he heard a scream.
   "April!" Yelled Max. "Where are you?"
He heard nothing, so he ran up to the door and instead of knocking there was no reason to since the door was mysteriously open. He walked in and all was silent except for a faint buzz in the back yard that sounded quite like a chainsaw. He yelled again, "April, are you here." To his avail there still was no response. When he looked around the house, it was huge. It was also in very good maintenance and looked well cleaned for a murderer. "Where could April be," thought Max.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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