Bad Dreams

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  April woke up with a funny feeling and she didn't know if it was just in her head, if it is make-believe, or if it was actually happening. She woke up at 3:42 again and so instead of going out on the front porch she went to go to investigate. As soon as she went downstairs she smelt something funny and all of a sudden she passed out. When she awoke, she awoke to her brother Max tapping on her shoulder. Her brother asked, "what happened?"
  With that she replied, "I...I don't know what happened. One minute I was standing in the living room, next thing you know, I'm lying on the floor talking to you."
  So after that Max said to April, "Maybe you should get some sleep. Go back to bed. I'll go after you but I want to know you'll get there safely.
  "Ok, good night. More like good morning."
   So April went up to bed and Max cleaned up the mess from April's fall.
She hopped in bed, pulled over the covers, and closed her eyes. She again woke up at 6:33 the same morning and with a frightening sight she said, "Ahhhhhhh," Max started up the stairs and headed towards April's bedroom. As he reached her bedroom, he saw her bed was empty the blankets were all over the floor and the window was open. He ran to the bedroom, looked out the window, to see a weird car in the driveway. A strange man was pulling April into the car. Max yelled out the window, "April are you ok?"
  But all he heard was a muffle of her screams behind the hand of the stranger. The stranger pulled her into the car slammed the door behind her and quickly drove away.
   Max ran downstairs as fast as he could, opened the front door and screamed April's name. He then fell to his knees, started sobbing, because he knew that he was no longer a twin until he found April.
   His grandpa then came on the front porch and asked, "Max, what is the matter?"
   Max then sad, "A stranger, took April away. And I am so, so sad!"
   "It was him," said his grandpa.
  "Grandpa I still don't know who him is,"
  " You Will find out, he has returned."

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