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She's gone, Max thought. If "him" did it, then the first thing I have to do is figure out who him is. He now knows that his grandpa knows who that is, but what he doesn't know is where him is going.
"Grandpa, can I please find out who him is?" Said Max.
"I can't tell you, my boy," he said, "you will find out when you find April. You, and only you, must go on a quest to get your sister back. I will
Stay back and wait to see if him comes back. He probably will come back to check on this house he haunts. You must take my old bike. It is rusty and run down. It is 58 years old. You will find it in the old shed around back. By the way since it is 58, it is a little hard to peddle, and may take you a long time to get to your destination-"
   "And where is that destination of where him is staying ?" Interrupted Max.
   "That's where you will have to find out on your own," said his grandpa.
   "But where will I find the clues to where him is?"
   "Along the way. Make sure you keep your eyes out for tire tracks on the dirt road-"
   "Wait a minute, you're saying I have to ride your bike on that dirt road!" Again interrupted Max.
   "Yes you do. As I was saying, keep your eyes out for tire tracks on the dirt road and any black car that has skulls and flames on the front of the vehicle. "
   "Ok, but then whet do I do when I see it?" Said Max.
   "Secretly follow it until you reach it's destination. Then as quickly and quietly as you can, attempt to steal your sister April back. Got it?" Said his grandpa."
   "Ok," said Max sounding confused.
   "Are you sure you got it. I can write it down for you," suggested his grandpa.
   "No I'm sure I got it," said Max sounding upset.
   "OK then, go upstairs grab some clothes, then go into the kitchen grab some food. Then you may head out,"said his grandfather.
   "Ok, see you soon. Wish me good luck." Said Max.
  And with that he changes clothes, brought some extra ones, grab some extra food. Then he put it all in a bag, hitched it over his shoulder, then went to the shed to grab the bike. With that. He was on his way to find  April

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