Chapter 3: Anger

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Austin's POV

I walked into the cafeteria and scanned the room for Trent. He wasn't on the bus or in homeroom, but during a passing period, I saw him talking to Roger. You may ask, why must I, Austin Moon, see the biggest douche on the planet, Trent Holt? Because I have a bone to pick with him.

I couldn't sleep thinking about Ally last night. It's not fair that she has to be made fun of and beat up because Trent has relationship issues. She is the last person on earth that deserves that. She is full of grace and beauty, she is so utterly innocent, and she smells really nice, kind of like strawberries...

I also was confused to why she had to stay after school. It was the first day, for god's sake! And her excuse, "I have... stuff to do..." does not give me any clues at all. I am so frustrated and confused! Why does this have to be so complicated!? She seems so distant and reserved, and all I want to do is be closer to her! To break down those walls, and know more about her!

My thoughts were interrupted when someone comes crashing into me. Kind of hoping it was Ally, I look up. The person is the exact opposite of Ally. It was none other than the douche himself.

Before Trent could register who he bumped into, I grabbed him by his collar and slam him against the wall, ignoring the stares of the students around us. "What the fuck, man!" he screams, trying to push me off of him, but failing miserably. "You," I start, trying really hard (but not too hard) not to choke the dude. "You are a mother fucking bastard! What is up with all those rumors about Ally Dawson? You may have everyone else is in this god forsaken school fooled, but not me. Just because YOU cheated doesn't mean that YOU have the right to make everyone think she's sex addict. Because news flash, I'm pretty damn sure she's a virgin! And that note yesterday was horrible! How do you sleep at night knowing the stuff you do to her? It's sick!" I scream.

He stares at me, petrified, before breaking out from my grasp. "It doesn't matter if she's a virgin!" he snapped, backing away from me. "It doesn't matter, because everyone else thinks she isn't. And that's good enough for me. I don't care how she feels, because it's fun to see people make fun of her for her mistake. She could have just stayed with me and everything would have been fine. But no, she brought this on herself!" he spat, glaring at me. He turned away and stalked off towards his table.

I'm angry now. I'm really angry.

I'm about to lunge at him when I realize something important; fighting will just make him want to start more rumors. I don't want Ally's school life worse than it already is. I reluctantly swing around and trudge over to my table, plopping down next to Trish. I grab my B.L.T. and take a gigantic bite from it, taking in its amazing flavor. Seriously, the cafeteria food is the best food in the universe. It so weird because cafeteria food is usually disgusting, but this is the opposite from disgusting.

I think about what Trent said. Everyone else thinks she's a sex addict, huh? Well, Dez doesn't believe it. I wonder what Trish and Dallas think...

"Hey, Trish?" I say, turning towards her. She meets my gaze and says, "Yes?" I take another bite of my sandwich and say, "Do you have anything against Ally Dawson?"

Dez's eyebrow shoots up from across the table, and he smiles knowingly. Trish didn't notice; she just took a sip of water. "No, if anything, I have sympathy for the girl," Trish said, staring at Trent with a scowl on her face. "He played her just like he played me, and then she got punished for his actions. There is no way quiet, shy Ally Dawson is a sex addict."

Dallas nodded. "The guy is just an egotistical bastard. I can't believe everyone thinks what he says is true," he ranted, shaking his head. I smile. It's nice to know what my friends think.

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