Chapter 14: Betrayal

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Austin's POV

As soon as I got home, I jumped onto my computer.

I was so confused about the letter. None of it made sense. For one, it said Dear John. Not Dear Austin. And I know that Tim Hertz was originally John Walker, so that could be a possibility. But what makes me doubt that is the fact that after the heading, it says I wish your name was up there. What does that mean?

The thing is, I feel like the letter is for me. I know it said Dear John, but I feel like the message was for me. Why would she give it to me if it wasn't for me?

I wanted to do some research on Tim Hertz. Me being Ally's knight in shining armor means I save her from her problems, and the more I know about her problems, the better.

I searched John Walker, not Tim Hertz, obviously because the world doesn't know who Tim Hertz really is. The search engine came up with everything from the programmer John Walker to the athlete John Walker. I scrolled down, about to give up, when something caught my eye.

There, highlighted in blue, was a link.

The link was called John Walker-Wanted by the FBI.

That was it.

I moved my mouse over and clicked on the link, and a news article came up, with a giant mug shot of a man that looked similar to the principal. He must have gotten some colored contacts or something, because in the picture, his eyes were an icy blue. The last time I saw him he had dark brown eyes. And also, the principal of our school is bald, but in the mug shot, he had a full head of dark brown hair. He didn't look that different, but different enough to skate by without people noticing who he really was.

I read the article slowly, taking in every detail.

Name: John Walker

Age: 47

Height: 6 feet 5 inches

Weight: 163 pounds

Eye Color: Blue

Reason Wanted: Robbing SSC Bank, constructing illegal weapons, selling illegal weapons to an enemy country, breaking out of jail, smuggling a child out of a foster home, murder, threatening a member of the law enforcement, and possibly kidnapping.

John Walker was first put into jail for robbing one of the wealthiest banks in the country, SSC Bank. He was charged to 10 years, but after 6 short months, he had escaped. No one knows where he went, but during that period of time, he and his wife gave birth to a child, who they named Lucy Walker. His wife disappeared, but he began an illegal project with some of his old college friends. He produced a vast number of nuclear weapons, and then attempted to sell them to an enemy country. FBI's Lester Dawson caught him in the act, and arrested him and his lackies for life. Lucy Walker was sent to a foster home. Walker was outraged, and swore to get revenge on Dawson. After 5 years, he broke out of jail, and smuggled his daughter out of the foster home. He arrived in Dawson's home town with twenty other men. He shot Dawson, as well as 12 others, and chased his two daughters, Ally Dawson, 10, and Bella Dawson, 6, into the forest. Bella was found three days later and taken into the hospital, but Ally Dawson was never found. Walker is a suspect for kidnapping the girl, and no one knows where he is located. If you see this man, call 911. Don't hesitate. No one knows what he is capable of.

I take a sharp breath in, and wipe a bead of sweat off my forehead.

Bella's okay. I'll have to tell her that. She saved her life.

The words burn in the back of my mind. If you see this man, call 911. Don't hesitate. No one knows what he is capable of.

I know what he's capable of.

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