Chapter 16: Future

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(A/N: Surprise! I'm back!

Okay, it's not really a surprise, considering the response I got for a second chapter! Seriously, when I began Wattpad, I expected to be one of those people with like 3 followers and 1 review. I never expected to be this popular! Seriously, I'm touched. Enjoy the finale installment of Ally Dawson's Secret!)

Austin's POV

All I saw was light.

There was nothing else. Just white light, blinding my eyes from everything. I knew I was dead; there was no way I could have survived that gunshot.

For a second, I couldn't remember the life I had when I was alive. I couldn't remember my parents. I couldn't remember my good friends. I couldn't remember the horrible John and Lucy Walker.

There was only light.

But then I felt myself falling. Plummeting down into more light. There was nothing around me, nothing to stand up on. I was so afraid I would be falling forever.

But then there was something.

A little dot of black floating in the light. I stopped falling and froze where I was. The black dot was only a foot away from me, and I could easily reach out and grasp it.

So I did.

I reached out a hand and enclosed the small black dot in my hand.

And everything about her came back to me.

Her soft chocolate eyes and the way they twinkled. Her contagious laugh and the way she threw her head back when it broke loose. The way her hair smelled like strawberries and bounced around when she walked. The way the tears streamed down her face, marking her perfect face with a sense of sadness. The way she always seemed to slip away, and when we finally had a chance to be together, we were separated once again.

I felt depression wash over my lifeless body. Why did it have to end so soon? I never wanted this to happen. All I wanted was to be with her forever.

But she's out of reach.

I drop the dot and sigh, floating around in nothingness. There was a sense of peacefulness here, yet I feel so unproductive.

I start to make my way in one direction. I keep going and going, but there was still nothing. This place was full of nothing.

Then, something that wasn't nothing caught my eye.

There was a figure. It was a man with dark hair and icy blue eyes, floating around like I was. He was tall and looked to be in his twenties.

He looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I made my way over to him, and called out to him. He spun around, and then looked at his feet sadly.

I then recognized who the man was.

The same man who had killed my first love's father. The same man who tortured my princess for seven years. The same man who had gone mad.

The same man who had killed me.

John Walker.

A young John Walker.

I very well wanted to yell at the man for everything. He had ruined everything. Everything he had ever done just messed up things even more. He had separated me and Ally forever.

But I couldn't.

Because this was not the John Walker I had seen on Earth.

He looked much more sincere, and a lot less guilty. There was something about him that just screamed innocence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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