Chapter 4: Thoughts

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Austin's POV

I stared at the book lying in the bin. What was Ally's book doing here? She had it yesterday; I handed it to her when she bumped into me.

I carefully picked it up, making sure not to damage it. It was very old and torn. I flip through the pages. They were all brown and ripped. The book opened to a page where it looked like a page had ripped out. My eyes widened and I took out the paper from my back pocket. I smoothed it out and held it up to the book. Sure enough, the ripped ends fit perfectly.

I read the diary entry again carefully; my eyes lingering on her goodbye. Love, the girl waiting for her knight in shining armor. My eyes widened in realization.

I could be her knight in shining armor. I can save her from whatever is causing her pain.

I will be her knight in shining armor.

My eyes fell upon the bin. I closed the book, leaving the page inside it, and set it beside me. I reached into the crate and pulled out what was inside.

There was a pair of sneakers, textbooks, a necklace, a watch, an iPod shuffle, a stuffed dolphin, and a pillow. That was it. What was all this stuff doing here? Did they belong to Ally?

I glanced back over at the guitar. I picked it up and ran my fingers across its strings. I find myself starting to strum it slowly. I know I am playing a song I have heard before, but I couldn't put my finger in it.

Then it hit me. I start to sing slowly, not caring that no one would hear me. I was lost in the moment.

Found myself at your door,

Just like all those times before,

I'm not sure how I got there,

All roads they lead me here.

I imagine you are home,

In your room, all alone,

And you open your eyes into mine,

And everything feels better,

And then I heard the inevitable.

I heard another voice.

I look up and see freaking Ally Dawson standing in front of me, singing along, looking as beautiful as always.

I want to stop. I want to say something.

But I don't.

I sit there and sing, staring into her big doe eyes, wondering how a girl could get so perfect.

Right before your eyes,

I'm breaking and fast,

No reasons why,

Just you and me.

This is the last time I'm asking you this,

Put my name on the top of your list,

This is the last time I'm asking you why,

You break my heart in the blink of an eye.

I stop singing. I couldn't continue if I wanted to, which I did. While I sit there with my jaw dropping to the floor, she keeps singing.

You find yourself at my door,

Just like all those times before,

You wear your best apology,

But I was there to watch you leave,

And all the times I let you in,

Just for you to go again,

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