Chapter 1

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It started like any other rainy day in Forks, Washington. Students waiting by their cars or the entrance doors or walking in the halls for the bell to announce the start of classes. Bella Swan was sitting with her friends when Jessica Stanley, her best friend interrupted the conversation by announcing.

"Did you know that we are getting new transfer students from Japan?" asked Jessica.

Triumph instantly appeared in her eyes when everybody's attention was focused on her from friends and some nearby students.

"Really, new students from Japan; where from, how old, and the better question is the new student male of female? "asked Eric Yorkie in reporter mode.

"Actually its two girls but I couldn't get their names but they will be in our year" said Jessica.

"Really? Sweet" said Mike and Tyler while high fiving eachother.

"So when do they get here and start school?" asked Angela Weber.

"Why?" asked Bella and Jessica with a hint of annoyance and anger in their voices because of two new girls would probably getting all the good looking guys attention for just being the shiny new toy in school.

"Because I want to know about their Culture and help them adjust to being here" explained Angela.

"So do you know when gets here and when he starts school" asked Eric with an impatient expression on his face.

~With the Cullen's~

"So two new girls coming to Forks, Why would they come here of all places" asked a confused Emmett.

"Why should we care if they comes here or not?" asked Rosalie.

"Aw, come on Rose don't be like that, you might actually like them" said Emmett while looking towards Rosalie but quickly changed his mind upon seeing her face.

"Um, never mind then" said Emmett after receiving an angry look from Rosalie.

"Just so you know Rosalie one of the girls went through the same thing you did before Carlisle found you" said Alice with a sad voice.

Meanwhile Edward was trying to see what the new girls looked like through Alice's mind but kept seeing nothing but blank shadows. Edward was getting frustrated with not being able to get anything from Alice's mind.

"Will you stop that" said Alice with a frown.

"Fine" Edward said annoyed.

"Also they have very long lives" said Alice with a smile.

"What do you mean long lives?" asked Edward.

"Are they Vampires?" asked Jasper.

"I don't know if they're vampires or not" explained Alice.

"How can you not know?" asked Emmett confused at Alice's response.


"I don't know but we'll talk more about this at home with Esme and Carlisle" said Alice heading off to class leaving the rest of her siblings behind while pulling Jasper along with her.

"I guess we have to wait until we get home to finish talking about these girls and see if they are like us" said Edward.

"Let's get to class before we're late" said Rosalie while walking towards the entrance with Emmett and Edward following after her.

Going their separate ways to their home rooms Edward began to think why people all the way from Japan would want to move here of all places unless they were a vampire.

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