Chapter 2

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Hearing Carlisle's car coming up the road drew the rest of the Cullen family towards the living room to wait for their Father's arrival.

"How was your Day?" Esme asked getting up from the couch to greet her mate.

"It was interesting to say the least" said Carlisle.

"Really why?" asked Edward.

"I got a couple of new patients from Japan, Four of them were female and one male" said Carlisle while hugging Esme.

Meanwhile Edward caught a passing thought from Carlisle's mind of one of the girls flipped him onto his back. Snorting in amusement causing other others to turn and question him.

"What's so funny Edward?" asked Jasper.

"Why don't you tell them Carlisle?" questioned Edward amusement in his voice.

"Um- well something else happened today" said Carlisle with an embarrassed look on his face while trying not to think about it too much especially with Edward around.

"Why are you so embarrassed Carlisle?" asked Jasper with a hint of curiosity coloring his voice.

"Well, I walked into the exam room to look over Lita for a routine checkup, when I put my hand on her shoulder I must have scared her so much that she flipped me over on to the floor" said Carlisle with some embarrassment.

It took everyone a few seconds to process Carlisle's words before they all burst out laughing with Emmett being the loudest. Giving them all a moment to gather themselves, Carlisle quickly placed his brief case in his office before going back to the living room just as his family all stopped laughing.

"Who is Lita? And why was she so scared that she ended up flipping you?" asked Rosalie after she stopped laughing at her father.

"Lita's one of the new students that transferred to forks high, before coming here she was raped about a month ago" said Carlisle with sympathy.

With that sentence everyone sobered up; Unsurprisingly Rosalie was the most understanding of Carlisle's sentence. What happened next shocked everyone.

"Would you like for us to look out for her while in school?" questioned Rosalie with understanding in her eyes and sympathy in her voice.

Surprised by Rosalie's question, Esme left Carlisle's arms walked towards Rosalie, upon reaching her Esme gently hugged her around her shoulders. After agreeing with Rosalie, Carlisle began to ask how there day was.

"How do they look like Carlisle?" questioned Emmett.

While Carlisle answered Emmett's question, Edward tried to see what this Lita looked like but. The only thing that he could see was that she has loose brown hair reaching to her waist with curves in all the right places.

Turning towards the next person Edward was surprised to see that this girl had dark green hair tied in half of a bun. Turning towards the male, he had short dirty blonde hair. Next was the baby with dark purple hair, but the one that surprised him the most was the girl with aqua colored hair.

"I can't see their faces" said Edward cutting off all other conversations.

"Why can't you see their faces Edward?" asked Carlisle.

"He's not the only one who can't see them" said Alice with a frown.

"What do you mean Alice?" asked Carlisle.

"I mean when I try to get a vision of these new people all I've been getting is blank shadows" explained Alice with a frown on her pretty face.

"I don't know why I can't see these new people when I try to look in to their future, but when I look into ours I just see a body shaped shadow." Said Alice clearly agitated.

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