Chapter 7

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"When's the Bonfire?" asked Hotaru before they parted ways.

"It's on Friday at Seven" answered Seth happily to his imprint.

"We'll see you there" said Lita saying their goodbyes.

Arriving home, Lita parked in the drive way. Shutting off the car both Lita and Hotaru made their way towards the trunk to get the few groceries that they bought.

Making their way to the front door, they entered the house and made their way to the kitchen so that Lita could start making the cake and maybe a couple of sweets for the bonfire on Friday.

"What took you two so long?" asked Haruka as she was entering the kitchen with Michelle in tow.

"Hotaru was talking to a really cute guy and his older sister" said Lita sending an amused smile at Hotaru.

"Lita!" exclaimed Hotaru with a blush forming on her face.

"Really?" asked Haruka with a smirk.

"What's his name?" Michelle asked Hotaru.

"His name is Seth and his older sisters' name is Leah" answered Lita as Hotaru was too busy glaring at a smirking Haruka and blushing a deep tomato red.

"They also invited us to a bonfire on Friday at La Push Beach" Lita said informing them in case they had other plans.

"Sounds like fun" said Haruka knowing that she and Michelle didn't have in plans for Friday.

"Will you two be going?" asked Hotaru with a small blush.

"Sure" said Michelle answering for Haruka and herself.

"Ok" Hotaru answered back.

"Well seeing as everything has been put away, I am going to go start on my homework" said Lita before leaving the kitchen and going upstairs to her room.

Entering her room, she put her bag down on the bed and sat down herself to take off her boots before starting on her homework.

~Two Hours Later~

Finally done with her school work, Lita headed back downstairs to start on dinner. Entering the kitchen Lita started to look through the pantry to see what she could make to eat.

Looking at what she had, Lita decided to make Yakisoba seeing as she had all the necessary ingredients to make it. Getting started she immersed herself in cooking that she lost track of time.

"Is dinner ready?" asked Haruka coming into the kitchen with her nose up in the air with the delicious smell.

Jumping slightly Lita answered. "Yup, so call Michelle and Hotaru. While I set the table" she finished saying.

And with said she brought the food to the dining room table before going back to the kitchen and grabbing some drinks for their dinner.

"It smells really good Lita" said Hotaru upon entering the dining room with Michelle and Haruka in tow.

"She's right, it really does smell good" said Michelle agreeing with Hotaru.

"Thanks" replied Lita blushing a little at their comments.

And soon they were all sitting down and began eating their dinner that Lita prepared. And the dinner went on with quiet conversations until it came to dessert which was a chocolate cake.

With dessert finished they moved to the living room after they cleaned the dishes and kitchen. Sitting themselves on the coaches; they got comfortable.

"Did any of you notice that the Cullen's aren't human?" asked Haruka getting straight to the point.

"Yes" came the answer from all three girls.

"Can any of you tell what they are?" asked Haruka.

"No" came the answer from all three woman.

"Lita, Hotaru be careful when your around them at school and don't go anywhere alone with any of them" said Haruka warning them.

"Ok" they both said at the same time.

~The Next Day~

Waking up early the next morning, Lita headed downstairs to start on breakfast. Entering the kitchen Lita opened the fridge door, taking out the eggs, milk and the bacon. Putting them on the counter she looked in the pantry for the bread, upon finding it she put it on the same counter as the eggs. And with that she started to make some French toast with some sunny side up eggs with some bacon on the side.

~Fifteen Minutes Later~

"The food is ready" said Lita calling the others down for breakfast.

Quickly serving herself some breakfast before the others came finished it all. Sitting at the table, Lita began to eat her food before it got cold.

"Morning" called Haruka upon entering the kitchen with Hotaru in tow.

"Good Morning! Where's Michelle?" asked Lita towards the other two.

"She's changing" said Hotaru answering her.

Just as they sat down to eat, Michelle came in looking ready for another day dealing with some lustful looks that some of the male students are giving her.

"Morning" came from the three woman eating at the table.

"Morning" said Michelle while serving herself some food and sitting down.

"Well I'm done, I am going to go get ready for school" said Lita standing up and putting her dishes in the sink before leaving the kitchen.

Heading back upstairs to her room, she entered her room and made her way towards her own bathroom to take a shower.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

Exiting her bathroom, Lita made a be-line towards her dresser for a bra and panties. Looking through all her pairs she finally settled on a pale pink satin set which she immediately put on.

Lita looked through the outfits she had in her huge walk-in closet and decided today she would wear.

With her clothes and boots on she went back into her bathroom and combed her hair and straitened. She outlined her eyes with black eye liner, then did her eye lids in a glittery black. Once her eyes were done, she put on a pale pink lip gloss. Once she was done she walked out to her room and put her books and homework in an over the shoulder bag.

She walked down stairs and smiled at the others who were waiting for her. Haruka smiled and led the way to the garage, getting in her silver Aston Martin with Michelle.

Lita got into her dark red Challenger with Hotaru also getting in the passenger's seat. On the way to the school, Haruka and Lita started to race with Lita being the winner.

Once they reached the school, Haruka held back a bit and moved behind Lita. They parked in a straight line, with Haruka parked next to Lita. Getting out of their cars Lita rolled her eyes when she was met with the same looks as yesterday. With her head held high Lita made her way into to school building with Haruka, Michelle and Hotaru right behind her.

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