Chapter 3

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Upon arriving home Hotaru began to think about the Cullen's and how strange they felt, something did not feel right about them; deciding to voice her concerns with Haruka and Lita and Michelle to be wary about these strange beings.

Noticing that Lita's and Haruka's car weren't there she decided to pass the time by putting the grocery's away and finish organizing the rest of the house.

Upon entering the kitchen noticing how clean it looked and that the dishes were already organized in their rightful places.

Finishing putting the grocery's away Hotaru moved to the living room to if everything was put away in its rightful place.

Finally after checking all the rooms and the rest of the house Hotaru deemed clean and prepared for Lita, Michelle, Haruka and herself to make themselves comfortable.

Deciding to watch a little TV before Haruka hogs it all watching car races and see how Lita was handling the move to forks.

So lost in her thoughts she didn't notice the time passing by until the sound of engines cutting off, getting up to greet Lita and Haruka and Michelle, she helped them with some of their bags.

"So what did you three do today?" asked Hotaru.

"Well Michelle and I went to talk with the cable company to have the internet and phone installed tomorrow and I also registered for school and got Michelle and Haruka some work at the school" said Lita with a small smile.

"Jobs" questioned Haruka and Michelle.

"Well, yes you didn't expect that you two would just stay home and do nothing do you?" asked Lita with a smirk.

"No" said Michelle

"Yes" said Haruka

"Well you thought wrong Haruka I got you and Michelle a job at Forks High School as the Music teacher and self-defense teacher" said Lita.

"Why do they need a defense teacher?" asked Haruka.

"It's because of the disappearances happening in Seattle" explained Lita.

"So when do we start teaching?" asked Michelle.

"You both start teaching on Monday" said Lita.

"And when do you and Hotaru start school Lita?" questioned Haruka. (Its Thursday ok.)

"We all start on Monday" replied Lita.

"So when will the phone company be coming over?" asked Michelle.

"They will come over tomorrow" said Lita with a smile on her face.

"Lita are you sure that you will be able to handle going to school, what if you have a panic attack or something?" questioned a concerned Michelle.

"I think I will be okay as long as guys don't touch me then everything will be okay, besides Hotaru will be with me" said Lita a bit worried.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I am hungry so I am going to prepare dinner" Lita said getting up and heading towards the kitchen to prepare some dinner to eat.

~Back in the living room~

"Do you think that she's ready to handle large crowds yet?" Haruka asked.

"I hope so for her sake" said Hotaru.

"I think she can and if something goes wrongs she'll have us there with her to help when needed" explained Michelle.

"I hope your right" said Haruka standing up and heading towards the kitchen with Michelle.

~Monday Morning~

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