Chapter 5

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*Mind Speaking*


Coming to the center of the gym Haruka began to survey all the students looking eager to start the lesson; Seeing Lita in the back with Hotaru looking a bit uncomfortable about being surrounded by a lot of people. Looking towards the eager faces, she began her first lesson quickly.

"Hello, I am your new defense Teacher Haruka Tenoh" said Haruka gaining everyone's attention the minute she addressed the class.

"Today we start with the basics since I don't know how many of you actually know self-defense" said Haruka looking around and seeing everyone listening with rapt attention except for Hotaru who looked bored and Lita who looked uncomfortable.

"Right now we are going to over the Right Places to hit, as in most confrontations, the fight may be decided in a few moves. As such you must pick the right places to hit before the attacker gains full control of the situation. But this does not mean you go into a panic mode and start throwing your punches into the air.

Conserve energy where possible, for you need the energy to escape given the opportunity. As this is no time to be civil, remember to hit where it hurts: the eyes, nose, neck, groin, knee and legs" explained Haruka to excited looking students who were currently copying down some notes.

"Eyes: Poking, gouging, or scratching the attacker's eyes with your fingers or knuckles. Not only does this cause tremendous pain, it hampers their vision and aids your escape.

Nose: If there is standing right in front of you, use the heel of your palm for an upward strike at his nose. Throw your whole body weight to inflict more pain if required.

Neck: If you are looking for a bigger target, the neck will be a good choice. Given that both the carotid artery and jugular vein are located there, a strike here can temporarily stun your attacker. Try a knife hand strike (all fingers held straight and tightly together, with the thumb tucked and slightly bent at the knuckle).

Knee: A strike to the attacker's knee may throw him off balance, creating the chance for you to escape. In addition, you minimize the risk of the attacker grabbing your foot.

Maximize Damage

Elbows and Knees

Make use of your elbows and knees for inflict addition damage. Not only are these areas much harder due to the large and solid bones, they are great options when stuck in close quarters with your attacker.

Use everyday objects

Never underestimate everyday objects you carry around. Be it a pen or a bunch of keys; just hold them in between your middle and ring finger when traveling in the dark. Always be ready to strike. Even your perfume or hairspray can be a weapon, have them ready to spray into the attacker's eyes. For you never know when you will need them. The key is to hit back with all you've got" explained Haruka.

And that's how the entire period went with Haruka explaining to everybody. Looking at her class mates Lita could see that practically everyone was interested in learning some self-defense moves. Lita was brought out her observations by Angela's question.

"Why aren't you copying this down Lita?" questioned Angela with curiosity.

"Oh, well I've been learning this stuff since I was five and I happen to be a black belt" said Lita shrugging her shoulders.

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