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We have been waiting at the park for about ten minutes now. When all of a sudden, I see him. 

He sees me, and puts his hands out. I run to him, hugging him tight.

"Hey beautiful." He says, smiling

"Hey handsome." I said, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm happy this is finally happening!" He says.

"Same! It doesn't even feel real." I say.

"I know! I can't believe this is actually happening!" He says. 

I see Loren hugging Grayson tightly. They look so cute together.

After they were done hugging, Grayson sees me and smiles.

"Hey Abi!" Grayson says, coming up to me and giving me a hug.

"Hey Gray!" I say, hugging back.

After all of us were done meeting and hugging each other, we decided it would be nice to go sit at a bench together.

-----An Hour Later------

"Abi, can I tell you something, privately?" Ethan says.

"Sure!" I say.

We walk somewhere more private.

I wasn't expecting these surprising words that were about to come out of his mouth



A.N//// CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! What do you think will happen next?

Anddd, two chapters in one day. Whaatt?

Peace xx

Alexis :)

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