T W E N T Y- N I N E

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I walk in and see a lifeless looking Abi, with a bunch of machines hooked up on her. 

It's my fault, I did this.

I go and sit in the chair beside her and start talking to her..

"Abi, it's my fault that this happened. I know you can't hear me..But, If I didn't get so jealous over a guy..this would of never happened. The kid's forteen, why did I act up? I'm sorry that I said all those hurtful things to you..to my future wife.. It should be me in a coma, not you. I love you with all my heart and then I said what I said? What is wrong with me? Please wake up, please." I say, while holding her hand and sobbing, hard.

*Abi's POV*

I hear someone come into the room, it's a guy, and he sounds so familiar.


He starts talking

"I know you can't hear me.."

Yes I can.

"I'm sorry that I said all those hurtful things to you..to my future wife.."

You're forgiven but wait...FUTURE WIFE? You want to marry me?!

 "It should be me in a coma, not you."

No, stop saying those things..it's my fault that I started driving and that I started to speed up..

" Please wake up, please." 

I'm trying!!

I can't move, at all. and I can't open my eyes. But, all of a sudden, I can move.

I move my hand and slowly open my eyes.

*Ethan's POV* 

All of a sudden, her hand moves. And then her eyes open.

I ring the nurse.

"SHE'S AWAKE! THANK GOD!" I say crying happily.

She's awake, and I'm lucky she's even alive. My future wife.


In the media above is my favorite song atm and it kinda fits with the story. It's Downpour by I.O.I. Enjoy! 

Alexis xx

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