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Yes, I asked that question. After about 5 minutes, he finally answers.

ethandolan: I wanted to talk to you because you seem like a nice and bubbly person. And a fiesty one ;) And, your so beautiful. Yes, I said it. I'm lucky you even replied to me. So, thanks :)

I blushed at what he said. I didn't think he thought I was beautiful. Wow.

abigailperez: Really? That's so sweet of you. :)

ethandolan: I have more reasons why but it would be a long ass paragraph 

abigailperez: Oh, really? ;)

ethandolan: Yep.

abigailperez: Wow. Okay.

ethandolan: and even though we have only talked for three days, can I have your number? ;)

abigailperez: Are you sure? ;)

ethandolan: Yes and plus, it would be easier.

abigailperez: Okay, it's xxxxxxxxxx

ethandolan: I'll add you in my phone now ;)

abigailperez: Okay ;)


A.N//// Hope you liked this chapter! :)

Alexis xx

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