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The bad was bustling with Angels and Demons, some dancing, some eating or drinking, and some making out in corners or on tables. Loud music blasted out of speakers that were clearly on the verge of busting. Laughter poured out of many mouths, while the rest is the mouths we're busy either being filled or kissing another. In one corner stood two teenaged Demons, making out as if their lives depended on it, while in another corner sat to Angels eating and talking, their hands intertwined loosely on top of the table.

Mark shook his head slightly as he sat himself down on one of the old, ripped stools at the bar. He never really understood why some Angels came here, considering they couldn't do much. In his eyes, a bar was for drinking, and that's what should happen in a bar. Angels, of course, couldn't drink. Demons also got into bar fights often, and they'd drink until the sun had set twice. All Angels could do was witness that, eat, and dance. 

Suddenly a blonde lady sat next to Mark, her face soft and angelic. He looked over at her, as he noticed her sneaking glances at him. She smiled at him when they first met eyes, but it faltered as soon as the connection his.

She was an Angel.

Grimacing, she stood up and left the bar, walking away into the crowd of dancing Angels and Demons. Mark made a tiny smirk before turning to face the now approaching bartender. He ordered his usual when the bartender asked him, then looked down at his hands as the bartender walked away to get his drink.

Angels and Demons, when looking at one another, have a certain connection between them that tells them what race they are; Angel or Demon. It's not really the same for an Angel to another Angel, or a Demon to another Demon because they usually all know each other. Though, if a Demon were to bump into another Demon, one whom they've never met before, they'd get the connection then. Once you get a connection, you automatically know what race a person is for as long as you live.

As he waited for his drink to come, he saw someone sit down next to him again, this time a male with green hair. He paid no attention to him as he saw the bartender walking over to him. After setting the tall glass and shot glass next to him, the bartender left him and moved over to the green-haired boy.

He asked for a water and the bartender left. Usually, Mark wouldn't bother looking at someone, as they weren't important to him, but he couldn't help but look over at this one.


The bar was definitely out of Sean's comfort zone, but he knew that he couldn't back to Heaven or else Uriel would find out and send him back down to the land. So, he decided to give the bar a try. He tried to ignore the fact that there were more Demons than Angels, though it made his skin crawl. Focusing on anything but the overwhelming amount of Demons and twisted smell of alcohol, he pushed his way through the crowd of dancing bodies in attempt to get to the bar. Right now, he definitely needed some water.

Sitting down at an open bar stool, he noticed a man with pitch black hair sitting next to him. He wore a grey button up, the sleeves of the shirt pushed up to his elbows. A black jacket was draped over his chair, and he had on black pants with black dress shoes. A clean and crisp outfit.

Sean looked up at his face and he felt his stomach do a flip. The man was absolutely stunning, his features carved and rough, nearly opposite from his own. He was beautiful, and Sean's mind went blank just from his looks. And this is where Sean thanked Heaven — literally — that same-sex couples weren't a sin, because Sean was definitely imagining his wedding day with this man.

The man looked over at Sean, probably since Sean was staring at him for a solid twenty seconds, but something caught his attention. The connection was supposed to hit by now, where was it?

Is he an Angel, or is he a Demon?

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