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Mark was laying in the tall grass, looking up at the orange sky. The sun was setting, the temperature growing cool. Sean laid next to Mark, his body curled against Mark's side as he slept. Soft breaths came out of his slightly parted lips, the breath brushing against Mark's neck.

He looked over at the sleeping Angel and began to smile. Honestly, he didn't know why he had sudden thoughts to kiss Sean. They were a heat of the moment type of situation. Something within him just snapped and all he could think of was the thought of Sean's lips on his own. And be definitely wasn't expecting Sean to kiss him back.

Not much was said after the kiss, both of their minds were blank on everything but the kiss. Rather than speaking, they just walked a bit further until Sean grew tired of walking. They say in the grass, looking up at the sky, but Sean eventually fell asleep and left Mark alone to watch the sun set.

Mark had to admit, Sean looked beautiful sleeping. His already Angelic features were more soft, and everything about him was calm and peaceful. The way his green hair dropped down over his brows and almost covering his eyes. He never imagined calling another man beautiful, or even kissing one.

Maybe it was his soul speaking, but Mark was definitely falling for the Angel faster than he was rising from Hell.

He couldn't let his eyes off of Sean. The Angel was lovely, absolutely stunning, he couldn't help but stare at him. Mark wished he could keep this moment forever. Peacefulness and calmness, laying next to Sean under the setting sun. It was perfect.

Mark was definitely changing, with the way he's been acting more alive. With him laughing and talking more, joking around and smiling. He had never done all of those in one day as a Demon, usually making a joke every few months or smiling only on certain occasions. Laughing and talking a lot had never been him, he just wasn't like that. Sean was really effecting him. All he could see now were the positives — life was no colour dull and colourless.

The sky was bluer, the grass was more vibrant. Trees were no longer just a messy watercolour painting, they were now sharper and more in focus. Nature, the city, the country, it look real. It no longer felt like a painting behind a glass wall, it was up close and touchable.

Mark was enjoying the change. Letting out a content sigh, he looked back up at the sky with a smile growing on his face.


Sean's eyes fluttered open, and he stretched his body under the heat of a jacket. His back ached slightly from sleeping on the ground, but he ignored it. He looked down at his body and saw his torso covered by Mark's jacket. Looking next to him, he saw Mark asleep next to him, eyes closed and arm outstretched towards him. That's when he noticed that Mark's hand rested on his upper thigh.

Looking at the sky, Sean smiled as his face grew red lightly. The sun was nearly set, stars peaking out in the darkening sky. Wind caused the grass around them to shuffle loudly. Sean was glad him and Mark took the day off just to have a relaxing day together.

He was hesitant on taking a day off from researching and doing anything to speed the process up for Mark, but after Mark convinced him that they'd work extra hard tomorrow, he couldn't say no. It was a nice thing, go relax just a little. Sean was glad that they did. The conversations they had were interesting, the scenery they were surrounded by was lovely. And suddenly, the memory of Mark's lips on his came back to mind and his face grew red even more.

It startled him at first, the way Mark held onto him and crashed their lips together, but he quickly sunk into the kiss. Words couldn't describe the way he imagined the feeling of their lips together. They were softer than he assumed, yet rougher at the same time. Their lips were together, moving frantically as if the world depended on it, for what seemed like hours. When they parted for air, they were both out of breath but smiling.

Sean's heartbeat quickened at the thought of it, and he stood up a bit too quickly. Ignoring the sudden blood rush, he wiped his hands on his pants and picked up Mark's jacket. Leaning down, he shook Mark awake gently.

A groan escaped his throat before opening his eyes. They landed on Sean immediately, and Mark blinked a few times. "Yes?" he said, his voice raspy and low, thick with tiredness. Clearing his throat, he stood up and grabbed his jacket that Sean was holding out to him.

Sean shuffled his weight from foot to foot. "It's getting late, we should probably get heading back home." Mark frowned but put began putting his jacket on. Stuffing his hands in his pocket, Sean waited till Mark's jacket was back on until turning back to the way they came from.

The two began walking back, not bothering to fly back to their homes because they were enjoying each other's company. Neither spoke for a while, both too tired to say anything.

But Mark broke the silence first after a few minutes. "I'm sorry if I made things awkward."

Sean looked at him with a smile, and Mark looked back, his own smile growing. "You didn't. I'm glad you did. Honestly, I've been wanting to for a bit now," he laughed out, and Mark's smile grew.

Reaching over, Mark took Sean's hand out of his pocket and laced their fingers together. They felt right together, their hands perfectly fit like two puzzle pieces. "Good."

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