Save Me (badboy!blaine)

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Badboy!blaine fanfic, with some bad language and smut in upcoming chapters, ENJOY!

Blaine Anderson was the schools badboy. Kurt Hummel was the bullied gay. This is there story.

It was the first day of the term and Finn, Rachel and Mercedes were sat together and Kurt was infront of the trio in Mr Rutherford's english lesson
"Hey boo, the new guy coming to McKinely plays for your team and also apparently, he is smoking hot!" Mercedes said to Kurt whilst winking at him.
"Listen, 'Cedes I know you want me to be happy but I dout this random new guy wi-" Kurt was interupted by the classroom door flinging open and reveling the new boy. Blaine Anderson. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt, very tight skinny jeans, a leather jacket and studded leather boots. He also had an eyebrow peircing, a total of 3 earings and a tounge stud. It was clear to everybody Blaine was a bad boy.
"Ahh, Mr Anderson; nice of you to appear, even if you are fifteen minutes late." Mr Rutherford said in a sarcastic yet firm tone. "The only seat left avaible is next to Mr Hummel so please could sit with him?" Rutherford asked. Kurt wasn't very pleased with this as he found the new badboy very attractive. However, Blaine didn't seem to mind because he strutted over to Kurt smirking. As Blaine sat down his arrogant smirk doubled in size and he leaned over to Kurt."Hey babe, your ass looks amazing in those jeans, but it would definatly look better with me pounding into it!" he whispered in Kurts ear, with hot breath that smelt of coffee and ciggaretts ghosting over Kurts neck making him shiver. Well shit Kurt thought. He now had to put up with the arrogant,sexy badboy flirting with him, but that wasn't his only problem. The things Blaine said were sending blood down to his nether regions and making his skinny jeans even tighter also the fact that Blaines strong hand was stroking up and down his thigh didnt help.
Great thought Kurt. He had the badboys attention and it was a bigger problem than it sounds because his flirtation, thigh carressing and undouted hottness was going to be a big problem throughout the year.

Save Me (badboy!blaine)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora