Save Me (badboy!blaine)

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''Kurt, listen, I know what your going to say. Don't, ok? I'm fine.'' said Blaine

''Clearly your not fine, but I just need to know one thing, this was your dad wasn't it?'' Kurt asks, even though he pretty sure he already knew the answer.

''Mostly. Some was from-actually Hummel, I don't know why i'm telling you all of this. Why do you even care? What's so good about me?'' Snapped Blaine, but with a hint of genuine confusion in his voice. ''God, how long ago was it someone showed an emotion toward me that wasn't hate or anger?'' thought Blaine

''I do care Blaine, I care about YOU! I understand why don't think I do, but one day, even if its the last thing I do, I will get to know the real Blaine Anderson, not just the obnoxious badass you portray.'' Kurt says whilst stroking the other boy's slightly sweaty cheek.

''So, what is it about Shakespeare that makes him such a icon?'' Kurt asks, but not actually caring, he was thinking about Blaine.

''Ok Hummel, I can tell you don't give a shit about this right now and considering you've being staring at me, I guess you want to 'get to know me' or whatever. But I really can't do that right now, if your desperate to know, then text me, i've got to go.''

It was almost midnight when Blaine's phone beeped with a text alert, awaking him from a rarely achived peacefull, quiet sleep

K: How long?

B: Who is this? Are you aware of the fucking time?!

K: Its Kurt

B: What do you want?


''Oh great,'' groaned Blaine ''Q&A time''

B:Now you've woken me up, I might as do this. What do you want to know?

K: How long has your dad been beating you?

B: Since I came out, 3 years ago

K:Wow, Blaine you need to tell some one, thats awful; what if you get hurt?

B: Listen, I can look after myself. No one has ever cared before now, so you shouldn't. I'm really tired now, goodnight.

That was a lie though, Blaine was now wide awake, he just couldn't believe he had just Kurt Hummel, a boy he barely knows, his biggest secret. And what worried him even more was that Kurt actually worried about him and wanted him safe. Why did that make Blaine feel so warm and happy inside?

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