Save Me (badboy!blaine)

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Today was the third day of tutoring, and Kurt was dreading it. Last nights session, no matter how many times Kurt said no, Blaine carried on touching him and flirting. As a result of that, Kurt ended the day with a raging hard-on. Tonight, they had to have the tutoring at Blaines house, because Kurts dad was cooking a romantic dinner. To be honest Kurt couldn't imagne Blaine having a very glamourous home. Maybe one of those small, cheapy houses on the town border. Kurt all of a sudden realized Blaine never gave his address to Kurt, it was lucky that they had english together 3rd period.

"Hey, Anderson, I need your address for tonight."

" Its pretty easy to find, do you know where that mansion type house is? The one near the park? Thats my place." Well Kurt wasn't expecting that. Blaine Anderson, the badass, lived in the poshest house in Lima, and the 4th poshest in all Ohio.

Kurt arrived at Blaine's house about 5 minutes early so when he knocked on the front door, a man dressed in a gucci suit answered. Proberly Blaines dad.

"Errr, hi, I'm Kurt Hummel, I'm hear to help Blaine with his english?" Kurt says, coming out more like a question.

"Oh, right, go upstairs, 3rd door on the right." Mr Anderson says in a stern tone.

"Ok, thank you sir." Kurt says before walking into the house. He hears Mr Anderson mutter something under his breath that made Kurt feel extremely uncomfortable. "Stupid fags."

As Kurt walked up the stair case he realized something. The wall was covered in family photographs, and lots of a male child, however it wasn't Blaine. There was none of him. Werid, Kurt thought. He was snapped out of his thoughts by a loud cough coming from down the hall. Blaine was trying to get his attention.

"Hummel, theres nothing to see on there so stop staring and get your ass in here" Kurt was even more amazed at Blaines bedroom than the rest of the house. The room was painted a marron color, matching the bedsheets. You couldnt see much of the walls as they were covered in posters of musicians such as Katy Perry and P!nk, there was also quite a few posters of broadway classics. Wow, that was a huge surprise.

"So are we gonna do those studies or are you gonna stand around and gawp all day. You have most of these posters anyway so I dont see why you are staring."

"Oh, sorry Blaine, you just dont seem like the kind of guy who likes broadway or Katy Perry, and is that Harry Potter?!"

"Oh shut up and sit down Hummel!"Blaine demanded

After about 40 minutes Kurt was getting confused, by this time in all the other sessions he was half-hard and pissed of by Blaine touching him, today Blaine hadn't even made a stupid comment.

"Blaine, are you feeling ok? Because by now, im normally ready to slap you, today you haven't even touched me or tryed hitting on me."

"Yeah, well maybe he's learnt not to be a fucking homo" came the sniggering voice of Mr Anderson from Blaines doorway.

"Piss off, Robert!" Snarled Blaine

"Talk to me agian boy, and you'll get the belt." bellowed Mr Anderson.

All of a sudden everthing Kurt knew about Blaine made sense. He wasn't an egotistic attention whore, he wanted the attention because he didn't get any at home. The reason there was no pictures of him was because he wasn't loved by his parents. The reason he dressed so simple is to impress his obvioisly homophobic father. He never got changed infront the others in gym because he was proberly covered in bruises and scars from his abusive father. There was more to Blaine Anderson than the obnoxious asshole and Kurt was determined to find out more.

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