Save Me (badboy!blaine)

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Blaine was good day. He hadn't been questioned about his injuries and he hadn't run into Kurt yet either. Blaine smiled at that because even though Kurt was on his mind a lot, he would no doubt give Blaine the 20 question treatment. As Blaine walked past the janitors closet, he felt two strong hands grab him and pul him in. "its not Dad, your safe at school" Blaine thought to himself. When the light flickered on, the mystery grabbers identity surprised Blaine but at the same time it was quite obvious. Kurt.

"What the hell happened to you?!?" snarled Kurt

"I think you know what happened Hummel."

"Why though Blaine? What did you do?" asked Kurt, who was still snarling

"Simple, you messaged me last night, I was about to go back to sleep but Dad came in and started screaming that I would fall asleep in class and get bad grade and disgrace the family name even more and then the rest is quite clear." Blaine said, his voice sounding like he didn't even care he had been beaten by his father. It took Kurt a moment to register what had been said and he realised it was his fault. Kurt just fell to the floor, put his head in his lap, with his knees pulled up and cried.

"Crap, Kurt, what's wrong? There's nothing you could of done to help me so don't cry." Blaine said in a very guilty voice.

"I-it's all my-my fault Blaine, none of this would of h-appened if I hadn't texted you." sobbed Kurt.

"Listen to me. You can't blame yourself at all. Blame it all on my father, okay?" Said Blaine, in the kindest ever voice he had ever used. He then sat on the floor next to Kurt and pulled him into his arms, and letting him cry onto Blaine's shoulder, not even caring that his t-shirt was damp with tears.

A few days later after the 'closet' incident, as Blaine called it, he realised something, ever since he hugged Kurt, there was this warm tugging feeling inside. He felt it every time him and Kurt were together, or even looked at each other. Blaine may not be the smartest kid around but he had this feeling before, and it never worked out well. It was the unmistakable feeling of *gulp* LOVE. Blaine was in love with Kurt Hummel, and that terrified him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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