Save Me (badboy!blaine

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Don't hate me for not updating for a while,I've just had a lot going on lately. Warnings for:Child abuse, homophobia and bad language.

"What is the point of me trying, Blaine will never let me in. He is such a secretive person, but then again, he told me his secret. No-else knows apart from me." thought Kurt after there short yet, in Kurt's opinion, very important text conversation. After thinking for a while, Kurt came to the conclusion that Blaine must of thought he was some what important because Blaine had told him, his most dark and personal secret. Kurt went to sleep shortly after, thinking of Blaine. However meanwhile in the Anderson Household.......

Blaine was just drifting of to sleep again that night when he was interrupted once again, by something way worse than a text message, his father. Blaine hoped that his dad wasn't that drunk tonight and he wouldn't come up to Blaine's room, but Blaine knew he was in for a bad night when he heard his father stumbling up the stairs, with loud footsteps and slurring incoherent words.

"You fucking stupid fag, what are you doing awake?? Having you as my son is bad enough but if you stay up this late you'll fall asleep in school and if your faggot ass gets bad grades I'll beat you till you can't move.Got it?" Screamed Robert Anderson from Blaine's doorway. "And i thought i told you take these homo posters down!" Smack! A loud slap echoed through Blaine's room, his face feeling like it was on fire. Then his dad grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him out of bed and twisted his arm right round, resulting in the loud crack of his arm breaking. Blaine screamed out in pain, but instantly knew that was the wrong thing to do as he got thrown to the floor and a heavy steel toed boot collided with his stomach making all the air be knocked out of him and pain erupted throughout the area as it was already severely bruised.

"I'm done beating your worthless faggot ass for tonight. I wish you were a normal person so I could be proud to call you my son, but your a dumb piece of shit that disgraces the family name." Yelled Mr Anderson right in Blaine's face and with another kick to the head, he left. Blaine knew he needed to go to the hospital, but how could he get there? The first thing that came into his head, was worryingly Kurt. But he didn't want to disturb him or risk his father seeing him with another boy. So Blaine decided to take a cab there, and using his well rehearsed excuse on the doctor "I fell down the stairs." But he got concerned glances as the doctors could see finger shaped bruises on his arm, which now feel like a ten tonne weight because of the plaster case it was in. 3 hours later Blaine left the hospital, wondering what Kurt would say when he saw Blaine's half purple face, broke arm and bandaged stomach. How was Blaine going to explain this? More importantly, why did Blaine's thoughts keep drifting to the blue eyed countertenor?

Save Me (badboy!blaine)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang