Back At Hogwarts (2)

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Bella's POV

I hear a loud bang on the door that echos through the small house signaling that Hagrid is here.

I quickly finish drying the plate that was in my hand before setting it down and rushing to open the door. Excited to see my favorite half-giant, as soon as the door is opened I am scooped up into a bone-crushing hug.

"How is my favorite Weasley?" He asks in his warm tone that I have missed.

"I'm good, but I wouldn't let my brothers hear that I am the favorite," I reply in a sarcastic tone.

He lets out a loud but gruff laugh as he picks up the bags that I already had by the door. Hagrid starts to move towards his flying bike puts my bag in the sidecar.

"You ready?" He asks after he finished putting my bag in the sidecar.

"Yeah, I'm ready to be home," I say with a small chuckle excited to be going home.

It doesn't take us long to get there but I watch almost vibrating in my seat as I see all of the things I have missed. Like the black lake and Hogsmeade.

We arrive around dinner time as soon as we land I am grabbing my bags ready to head up to my dorm before I made my entrance.

"Thanks for the ride," I say hugging Hagrid one last time before running into the school headed to my room.

"Anytime." He calls after me.

I smile hearing the humor in his voice but don't think much of it. Running through the halls throwing a smile at some of the portraits as they watch with amusement or boredom.

Getting closer to the dorm room a smile graces my face as I hear two familiar voices and quickly hide hoping they will just walk past and miss me.

"Hurry Harry, we are going to be late for supper again," Ron calls as he runs down the hall he sounds almost out of breath.

"Ron, slow down. We won't miss much it's just dinner." Harry yells after him starting to run to catch up with his best friend.

Once they passed I entered the Gryffindor dorm room I pass the tables and couches headed up quickly to the stairs up to my room. After I throw my stuff on my bed, I quickly change to my Hogwarts attire before heading towards the main hall. As soon as I round the corner I ended up running straight into the Dumbledore.

"Sorry Professor," I say a smile places on his features.

"Nice to have you back, Ms. Weasley." He says with a small chuckle as I look around him without trying to be rude but just wanting to see my family.

"Its good to be back," I respond with a huge smile.

"Well, I can tell you want to get in there." He says nodding his head towards the dining hall "So am I correct to assume you want to introduce yourself."

"Of course Professor," I say as my mind fills with different ways to re-introduce myself.

"Well, you should go ahead then," Dumbledore says as he starts walking down the hall towards the teacher's entrance.

One I get to the door I quickly look around and I realize that the entire hall is still chatting loudly and Dumbledore isn't here yet so I can sneak in unnoticed.

My eyes look towards the Slytherin table before I quickly look away and towards the Gryffindor table. I find Fred and George quite fast as they sit in there a usual place near the middle of the table.

Fred gets up to go somewhere probably to go pull a prank or something. So me being me I move quickly as soon as I know Fred wouldn't see me, and take his seat.

"That was fast Fred," George said as he finished filling his plate with food.

"Do I really look like Fred?" I asked a smirk playing on my features and a brow quirked with amusement.

I know I need to update but right now I am just going through and redoing some of the first chapters because they need some work. I hope you like it if you guys have any ideas let me know! lots of love. 

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