My First Memory

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My first memory, was sitting on the couch singing my favorite song, 'Sweet Home Alabama' by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I was about two at the time, but it must have been really close to my third birthday because, I remember eating cheese balls with my older half brother. Couple months later, I find out I'm going to be a big sister and got all excited. At that time, we (my mom, dad, and myself lived together in a trailer on my grandparent's farm.)

~Fast Forward~

After my little brother Dean was born, my dad kept coming home later and later every night from the bar. Then, one night he comes home and beats on my mom. Every day it gets worse and worse, I try to stop it by calling him every name in the book. By that time I was only four. I knew hitting was wrong. Anyways, after I called him names, he came chasing me but, my mom stopped him. So, after he had fallen asleep, we packed our stuff and left.
We were living with my mamaw and uncle now, they weren't to happy when they seen my mom's face all bruised up.
When I turned five, my mom got me into kindergarten at Sandy Valley. I made friends very quickly but, that's just because we were young and didn't judge each other.

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