My 13th Birthday

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My birthday was in a couple days and my mom had a plan for it. I was finally going to be a teenager. Nothing has happened recently, so I finally thought it was over with Mark. But, now he was treating me like shit, and being a dick.
After putting up with him for almost a year, I left. I moved in with my dad, I had no other choice.
So, a new school once again. It was March then, I didn't make friends so easily as I had when I was younger. I felt like the outcast. So, I didn't talk to no one and just went to school to do my work.
At the time my dad wasn't drinking, but soon as school was almost over he started up again. He started coming home later and later, became abuse and smashed my head of the off and called me names. At the time I was talking to someone so, as soon as my dad passed out, I called him. His name is Tyler, I've been talking to him for like a month then. I missed school acouple times, and got yelled at for not getting up when I was supposed to.
I'm fourteen at the time so, I was into smoking weed and drink alcohol to get my mind off the past. Everytime I went to my mom's I'd go to my cousin Jay's house and smoke weed with him. It made me forget for a little while. He set me and Tyler up too.

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