Why me?

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~Couple Years Later~

I'm ten now, and we are moving in with Mark. He divorced his wife and got a new place for me, Dean and our mom. It was a double wide, with three bedrooms and two baths. I finally didn't have to share a room with Dean anymore. We went to a new school too, and both failed the grades we were in.

~Couple months later, about a year~

We had to move out because, Mark was cheating on my mom with his ex wife Barb. They had a long history, two kids and four grandkids. So, when we moved out we moved back in with my mamaw and uncle again. Back to Sandy Valley. I'm currently in fourth grade at the point and Dean is in first grade.      Summer of 2011, my mom got a job at one of the dairy farms close to us. It was actually fun because, I got to help paint and feed baby cows.

~Months Later~

Mark had found my mom and asked her if he could move in, at that point she was still in love with him and took him back. Now, Mark was living with my mamaw, uncle, Dean, my mom and myself. He helped my mom a lot with buying us clothes and stuff we needed.

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