She Don't Believe Me

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Two years to be precise, Mark was "tickling" me and grabbing me inappropriately on my breasts, I told my mom and she said, "It might have been an accident." But it happened repeatedly.
A year later, we moved again. This time we go to his ex mother in law's old trailer that's on his property. I was all about hunting then, so Mark took me hunting... it was cold so I put lay upon lay on, and we had a heater. After it started to get warm in there, I took some off at a time. After I was down to a thin long sleeve shirt, he made me pull my shirt up so my breasts were showing and started to touch them and put his mouth around them... I asked him to stop and he told me to hush... He said, "your mother was a whore at your age, I don't want you to turn out like her." And later fell asleep. When my mom came up to get us, I stayed quite... no sense in telling her is she wasn't going to believe me. Weeks went on and nothing else happened like that... until one day my mom wasn't feeling good and was sleeping on the couch he started to touch me down there but, threw my clothes. I pushed his hand away and went to my room... I hated him. If you treat me that way, how'd he treat his daughter when she was my age?

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