The Triforce- Link POV

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"You are chosen for a great destiny... Come to the fountain hidden in the woods... Link... Link.." The voice chanted in my dreams, "Bring the one you cherish most... Bring her... Link... Link..."

The voice faltered, and I saw the glowing orb that was representing the heavenly voice disappear, replaced by a huge, terrible monster...


"Ow!" I groaned, rubbing my head in anguish. What is with these dreams? They're killing me! Every time, the voice says the same message, over and over again. Making me fall to the floor. I have five bruises to prove it.

"Bring the one you love most." Was it talking about... Zelda?

Zelda's been acting strangely too, says she's been having dreams. I haven't told her about my visions, I think that'd provoke her to go search for the fountain.

"HEEEEYY! LINK!" A girl's voice jolted me out of my reverie, it was my sister, Aryll.

"LINK! GRANDMUM NEEDS YOU!" My sister yelled again.

I didn't respond immediately, I didn't need too. My sister knew I was coming, she has the loudest voice in the family.

After putting on my clothes, I ran downstairs to see Grandmother sitting on a chair, staring into the fireplace. She turned around, "You look troubled my dear, what is the matter?"

I shook my head and smiled, showing her everything was fine.

"You don't need to fool me Link, Zelda came to me a few hours ago while you were still asleep and told me she has been having dreams, have you?" Grandmother poked me in the shoulder, and I looked away. "Answer me Link, you don't have to be so quiet!" she chastised.

I was about to open my mouth when Aryll came into the room, "Hey Link!" she grinned. "Would'ya mind showing me the techniques you were practicing last night?"

"Aryll child, leave me and Link alone just for a minute more, this isn't your time," Grandmother told her slowly.

Aryll pouted and muttered under her breath, "You guys always leave me out of the interesting stuff... I'm going outside."

I stared at her back as she stomped out of the room, Grandmother sighed, "She will have her time Link, do not fret."

I nodded and looked back at her pale, wrinkled face shining in the light of the dying fire.

Grandmother looked above the fireplace, to a case positioned on the top of it, "Link, do open that case for me."

I cocked my head suspiciously, I have long wondered about that case there, but never dared to open it, what made today different?

But, shrugging away suspicions, I easily took the case in both of my hands and brought it down to Grandmother. She smiled and slowly moved her hand back and forth on the case, wiping off the dust.

"Your father died with a sword in his hand, Link," Grandmother murmured, "He was brave, humble, quiet,  and clumsy. Exactly like you,"

I blushed slightly and looked away, Grandmother touched my shoulder, "Link, open this box for me, will you?"

Nodding, I took the case from her, and in doing so I accidently lost my footing and landed on my butt, the case was still in my hands, held high above me.

Grandmother laughed quietly and looked at me, "Take your time, my dear boy."

I brought the case down into my lap and opened it. Inside was a shining sword, encrusted with jewels.

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